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The 'that makes me nervous now' bloggers tag. Hell yeah!

'Tagging' in the blogger world has become quite a concept. I don't have to explain what a tag means to bloggers, but maybe I do for my other readers. Hereby. A bloggers tag is a kind of topic about which several questions have been made up. This tag can be copied by a blogger on his or her own blog, stating the creator of the tag. And of course with the questions, because that's what it's all about in the end, about the answers to the questions that belong to the bloggers tag. do you still get me? If not, no problem, you will gradually find out. Because… you guessed it… I made up my own bloggers tag 😉 . The 'that makes me nervous' tag.

Because we all get nervous sometimes, right? I certainly do. And at the moment my nerves are rising to unprecedented heights again. For a reason that I'll explain to you further down. So I thought about it for a while and I could actually easily come up with a list of things that make me nervous. And one of them has been number 1 for weeks!

Good. There we go. The questions that go with it!

Table of Contents

Bloggers tag 'that makes me nervous'

The questions I came up with for this bloggers tag are the following:

  1. What makes you nervous (duhuh)
  2. Why does that make you nervous?
  3. How does that nervousness manifest itself in you?
  4. Do you do anything against being nervous at that moment?

That makes me nervous now

And then you are of course also entitled to my answers to the above questions. Here we go then…

What makes me nervous now

There are a number of things that can make me quite nervous. I will list them below for you:

  • the dentist
  • presenting / standing in front of the class
  • visit events on my own
  • my eyelid correction

Why is this making me nervous?


The first one might be an obvious one for you. Just not for me, because I never used to get nervous about this. Until the moment I had a root canal treatment, then it was suddenly very wrong. I can't remember ever having so much physical pain as I did then. Since then I'd rather not go to the dentist, I'm sure you understand that 😛  .

Give a presentation

I also think giving a presentation is a disaster. I also call it standing in front of the class. Put me around the table with 10 board members of some board and I have nothing to worry about. As long as I'm on the same level. But do I have to stand to tell my story? Then I get super nervous. Even if they are not board members 😉 . Stupid really, because I've done it enough in the past and always got nothing but compliments. So it is really something that is inside of me.

Only visit events

Also one like that. Not the worst of the four, by the way, but I do like him. Visiting events on my own. And that often happens in blogger land 😉 . By now I know quite a few bloggers, so you can always have a chat. But walking in alone when I don't know if I'm going to meet acquaintances, I find that less pleasant. Do you recognize such a thing?

My eyelid correction

The last one is one that is very much in play at the moment. 'As we speak' I am lying on the operating table. Or well… today at 08.30 it's my turn for an eyelid correction! I'll tell you all about this in another blog of course, but that I'm nervous about this? Enormous! Even though I get all positive sounds from others who have already had the procedure done, I think it's a 'thing'! I'm not really afraid of pain, but I just find it very exciting.

How does that nervousness manifest itself in me?

At the dentist

At the dentist, this is expressed in too few appointments 😉 . If possible, I try to get out of my appointment. Or worse, I just don't make an appointment. Until the moment that I really can't wait anymore because I think it's important to my children not to show anything about it. Pfff. I am always very relieved when this is over.

Give a presentation

This mainly manifests itself in sloshing armpits. And maybe some red spots on my neck, but I'm not sure. I always have the idea that you can clearly see from me that I am not in my comfort zone, but apparently that is not the case. It's easy… that the outside world doesn't notice that much.

Only visit events

I think I am more selective about attending events. Not only because of the fact that it makes me nervous, but also because of lack of time. Still, it's easy to hide behind that. "No, I can't, I'm too busy." This while I think the whole of bloggerland really enjoys going to events. Or am I wrong?

My eyelid correction

I don't think I've thought of anything else for the past few weeks! Every day -when I'm awake enough- it immediately comes to mind. I'm counting down the days until the time has come and luckily I can stop counting from today! Now just a few more weeks of embarrassment and then everything will be fine.

Do I do something about being nervous at that moment

No, I don't believe it. I can't do anything for the dentist. Yes, maybe taking Valium, but I think that's a bit exaggerated 😉 . What I do do when I'm nervous is that I talk a lot. Not faster, but more. Haha.

Use the bloggers tag too?

I have a number of people on my list that I am curious about if they also have specific things that they are nervous about. That's why I'm going to tag them here as well, see if they dare with their buttocks exposed. These include Lisette from and Cynthia from Why? Well because Lisette pictures herself so freely in her Lieve Sil imitations that I wonder if there is anything that makes her nervous at all. And I'm just curious about Cynthia 😉 . If you see what she does with her beauty blog, she has probably already overcome so many 'thresholds'… what is she still worried about?

Of course there are other bloggers I'm curious about, but I'll kick off with these two. Let's see if they also have something with this bloggers tag 😉 .

Are you also a blogger and would you like to do something with the bloggers tag? Nice! I'd like to know what you're worried about! Will you let me know if you do something with my tag?

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  • Are you in doubt about a breast correction? Read Anne's story!
  • Parent meeting at school, I'm a bit hesitant
  • Pubic hair and armpit hair, how far will you go?

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