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These are the 6 best natural remedies for gas

These are the 6 best natural remedies for gas

Do you often suffer from excess air in your intestines? A lot of gas in your intestines can be really annoying, especially when you get pain complaints. Fortunately, there are also a number of natural remedies that can help relieve painful gas. Are you reading along?

1. Get moving

It has been known for a long time that exercise and bowel function are linked. In short, by moving you ensure that the contents of your intestines also remain in motion. As a result, regular exercise can ensure that you do not become constipated and that you do not suffer from air in your intestines. If we don't get enough exercise, our faeces stay in our intestines for too long. This will ferment, causing gas formation. Keeping moving can therefore help against that!

Read also :'Bloated feeling? You can eat this to prevent it'

2. Drink water

Drinking water can also prevent you from getting gas. Water ensures that you can break down your food better and relaxes your bowel movements, making it easier for you to go to the toilet. Both of these things can prevent you from getting gas, so keep drinking plenty of water.

3. Try yoga poses

Research has shown that certain yoga poses can help control intestinal symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Especially poses where you bring your knees to your nose could help you fight intestinal complaints and gas. Think, for example, of the child's pose:kneel on a mat, place your hands on the mat and push your buttocks towards your heels. Stretch your arms out in front of you, keep your palms on the mat and place your forehead on the mat. Hold this pose for about 30 seconds and breathe slowly.

4. Drink tea

Herbal products are known for promoting digestive health and relieving gas symptoms. That could mean that herbal tea can also help you with this. For example, you can think of peppermint tea, chamomile tea and ginger tea when you have problems with your intestines. These herbs can help relax your intestines, so you don't suffer from cramps, gas and bloating. Worth a try, right?

5. Eat gut-friendly foods

And when we talk about gut-friendly foods, we mean foods that contain a lot of probiotics. There are no foods that reduce or "absorb" gas, but foods with probiotics can boost your gut health. And a healthy gut means less gas. Probiotic foods include yogurt, miso, tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut and naturally fermented pickles, to name a few. Foods that contain prebiotics (special plant fibers) can also help, such as bananas, onions, artichoke and asparagus. Which one are you going to try?

6. Avoid certain foods and drinks

Do you have the idea that certain foods mainly cause you to suffer from gas and a bloated stomach? Then you might want to avoid them… Not everyone has the same triggers, but there are some similarities. For example, many people react strongly to foods with a lot of fiber (especially if you eat quickly), such as cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli and beans. Sugar-free products (often sweetened with sorbitol) can also cause gas, because sorbitol is broken down very slowly by your body. In addition, fatty or fried foods also create air in your gut because it is more difficult to process, as well as dairy products if you are lactose intolerant. Of course, there are also drinks that can cause gas, especially carbonated soft drinks. So it is better to avoid them!