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The 10 Best Natural Lice Remedies.

The 10 Best Natural Lice Remedies.

Lice are small parasites that live in hair and on leather hairy. They feed on blood.

This is a very common problem in children.

Lice can be caught by simple contact with an infected person while playing at school, during a sporting activity, by sleeping next to this person or during any other gathering.

They are also transmitted by wearing the clothes of a person who has lice, by sharing personal objects such as brushes or combs that have been contaminated, by sleeping in a bed in which an infected person has previously laid down.

Two signs indicate the presence of lice:itching in the head and red pimples on the scalp.

As they reproduce very quickly, it is really difficult to eliminate these small pests in a few days.

Combing can make them disappear, but it is a long and tedious process.

Fortunately, there are several natural home remedies to solve this problem.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for head lice:

The 10 Best Natural Lice Remedies.

1. Garlic to fight lice

The strong smell of garlic suffocates them and ultimately kills them.

a. Crush 8 to 10 cloves of garlic.

b. Mix them with 3 teaspoons of lemon juice.

c. Apply to the scalp.

d. Leave on for 30 min.

Alternately, you can also use a thick natural hair mask.

a. Crush garlic to extract its juice.

b. Mix with cooking oil (olive oil for example).

c. Add lemon juice and green tea.

d. Mix with your usual shampoo or conditioner.

e. Cover your hair with this paste.

f. Cover with a towel or shower or bathing cap.

e. Leave on for 30 min.

g. Wash your hair with your usual shampoo.

h. Repeat the operation every week for 1 to 2 months.

2. Baby oil against lice

To make another natural and easy head lice treatment, you will need baby oil, a laundry detergent and a little white vinegar.

Baby oil also helps to smother head lice.

a. Apply some baby oil to your hair.

b. Comb carefully.

c. Wash your hair with a little detergent and warm water.

d. Before going to bed, put a little white vinegar on your hair.

e. Cover your head with a shower cap or towel.

f. Leave on overnight.

e. In the morning, wash your hair with regular shampoo.

g. Then use a conditioner.

Repeat this process three to four days in a row for positive results.

3. Olive oil against lice

Olive oil will effectively suffocate and kill lice.

a. Before going to bed, generously apply olive oil to your hair.

b. Put on a shower cap or towel so that the oil soaks into your hair.

c. In the morning, comb thoroughly to remove tiny pests.

e. Then wash your hair with a herbal shampoo containing tea tree oil.

You can also make another mixture.

a. Mix half a cup of olive oil with half a cup of hair conditioner.

b. Add some liquid soap.

c. Apply this solution to your hair.

d. Leave on for an hour.

e. Rinse your hair.

f. Apply a revitalizing treatment.

g. Comb your hair carefully to remove nits and dead lice.

h. Try again in a week.

4. Salt against lice

Salt can also be used to eradicate lice by drying them out.

a. Mix well a quarter cup of salt and a quarter cup of white vinegar.

b. Put this lotion in an empty, clean spray bottle.

c. Gently spray the solution on your hair so that it becomes slightly damp.

d. Put on a shower cap and leave for about two hours.

e. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

f. Repeat every three days for positive results.

5. Vaseline against lice

The 10 Best Natural Lice Remedies.

Vaseline can keep lice from moving around and suffocate them.

a. Apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly to the scalp before going to bed.

b. Cover your head tightly with a shower cap or towel.

c. Leave on overnight.

d. In the morning, use baby oil to remove Vaseline.

e. Comb your hair carefully to remove lice.

f. Repeat this operation several nights in a row.

6. Tea tree essential oil against lice

Tea tree essential oil is a natural antiseptic. It kills lice and nits.

a. Mix 4 tablespoons of olive oil with a teaspoon of tea tree essential oil.

b. Rub the scalp with this mixture.

c. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes.

d. Comb your hair.

e. Shampoo.

7. Mayonnaise against lice

It seems like a weird idea at first glance, but mayonnaise is very effective against lice.

a. Massage the scalp with the mayonnaise.

b. Leave for 2 hours.

c. Paint.

d. Rinse hair thoroughly.

8. Coconut oil against lice

Coconut oil effectively fights lice. Plus, it smells good!

a. Start by rinsing your hair thoroughly with apple cider vinegar.

b. Cover your hair completely with coconut oil.

c. Cover your head with a towel or swimming cap.

d. Leave on for 6 to 8 hours.

e. Then comb your hair.

f. Wash your hair normally.

e. Repeat every day for a week.

You can add a few drops of anise essential oil to coconut oil before application.

9. White vinegar against lice

Another safe and inexpensive method to remove head lice is white vinegar.

White vinegar has acetic acid which can destroy lice.

a. Dilute the white vinegar with an equal amount of water.

b. Cover the hair completely with this solution.

c. Cover them with a towel or swimming cap.

d. Leave on for one to two hours.

e. Dip a comb in white vinegar.

f. Comb your hair section by section.

g. Rinse your hair with white vinegar.

h. Wash your hair with shampoo.

i. Rinse your hair again with white vinegar.

10. Sesame seed oil against lice

Rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties, natural insecticide, sesame seed oil can also be used to solve the problem of lice.

a. Mix together a quarter cup of sesame seed oil, an eighth of a cup of neem oil, a teaspoon of tea tree oil, a half teaspoon of eucalyptus essential oil and rosemary essential oil, and about 10 drops of lavender essential oil.

b. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and let it dry.

c. Apply this solution to hair and scalp.

d. Cover with a shower cap or towel.

e. Leave on overnight.

f. In the morning, comb your hair carefully to remove dead lice.

e. Shampoo normally.

g. Repeat this treatment daily for one or two weeks.