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These are the 3 best fruits for your teeth

These are the 3 best fruits for your teeth

We all know that processed foods don't exactly do wonders for our smile, as they take a toll on the health of our teeth. But what can you eat for a healthy smile? There are certain fruits that may help improve dental health. Let's dig in, shall we?

1. Fruit that doesn't stick to your teeth

If the fruit you eat sticks to your teeth, it settles between the grooves and crevices between your teeth, where it then feeds on oral bacteria. This can make you more prone to cavities in your teeth. So it's better to eat fruits that don't stick to your teeth, such as apple, pear and grapes, and fruits that do stick, such as bananas, eat less when it comes to oral hygiene. Please note that fruit that does not stick does not clean your teeth, you should of course brush your teeth to prevent plaque.

Read also :'Is it bad to go to sleep without brushing your teeth?'

2. Fruit that makes you full

Fruit that is packed with fiber makes you feel full for longer after eating. This prevents you from snacking throughout the day, exposing your teeth to less harmful substances and keeping the pH level in your mouth lower. In other words, less chance of cavities. Fruits such as apples and pears contain a lot of fiber, but grapes unfortunately do not. There are also other fruits that contain even more fiber than apples and pears, such as kiwis. The best diet for healthy teeth? Three meals a day and two apples as a snack, instead of eating throughout the day. Achievable? Maybe…

3. Fruit that prevents inflammation in your gums

There are also fruits that have anti-inflammatory properties and can therefore combat gum disease. Of course there are (natural) sugars in fruit, so you may be confused about why it can fight inflammation. But fruit also contains all kinds of valuable nutrients, such as vitamins, which actually help prevent inflammation. Again, it seems that apples and pears can do a lot of good for your teeth. An apple a day…