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These are the 4 foods that cause the most irritations

These are the 4 foods that cause the most irritations

Do you notice that you often suffer from health problems that you just can't figure out what exactly is causing it? Maybe it depends on what exactly you eat. There are foods that can trigger irritations and inflammations… We have listed the 4 foods that cause the most irritations for you, maybe you'll find the culprit!

1. Foods with added sugar

Added sugar in foods such as granola bars, cornflakes and fancy coffees can cause chronic irritation because of the release of cytokines. All types of sugar – whether added sugars or sugars that are naturally present in a food – can contribute to obesity if you consume too much of them. Being overweight can lead to other health problems, such as high blood pressure and an increased risk of diabetes and insulin resistance. A healthy lifestyle is therefore very important to prevent chronic irritations and inflammations in your body. Therefore, make sure that you eat sugar in moderation and try to ensure that if you eat sugar, it is mainly natural sugar. Although natural sugars and added sugars are processed in the same way by your body, foods with natural sugars – such as fruits, vegetables, multi-grain products and dairy – also contain other nutrients that your body can use, such as vitamins and minerals. Foods with added sugars often contain less. Although it is not realistic to eliminate all sugars from our diet, we can certainly make sure that we consume less of it every day to prevent chronic irritation.

Read also :'Aches and pains after eating:these are the most common causes'

2. Trans fats

Although most fats get trans fats from their products, some prepackaged foods still contain them. Trans fats can cause systemic irritation and inflammation in your body and are also associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. You can also recognize trans fats by the name hydrogenated fat, so read the labels on packaging carefully and try to avoid them.

3. Refined carbohydrates

The difference between whole grain and refined grain is that the whole grain contains the complete grain (bran, germ and endosperm). Foods such as brown rice, multigrain flour, oatmeal and corn flour are all whole grains. A refined grain has been processed and the bran and nutrient-rich germ have been removed. Think white flour, white bread and white rice. It is easy to eat too many of these foods and that can lead to chronic irritation. Research has also shown that whole grains can help counteract that irritation. So make sure that at least half of the grains you ingest are still whole.

4. Red meat

Meat is normally high in arachidonic acid and saturated fats, both of which contribute to irritation and inflammation. An easy way to combat or prevent these inflammations is to eat more plant-based foods. Vegetable proteins often contain less fat, especially saturated fat. In addition, plant-based diets that contain a lot of green leafy vegetables and vegetables have an anti-inflammatory effect on your body. This reduces the risk of diseases and you simply feel a lot better.
