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5 ways to do your bit for the environment

5 ways to do your bit for the environment

We are in the midst of the environmental crisis. Although large companies can make the biggest difference to the environment by adapting their production processes, you can also do your part. And that's easier than you think! With the following 5 tips you can give the environment a boost.

1. Bank sustainably

By simply choosing the right bank to store your money, you are already contributing to a better environment. Banks have a huge impact on the environment. For example, there are a lot of large banks that are committed to sustainable projects, such as financing projects against the use of fossil fuels. In addition, many banks also support companies that are committed to society. Therefore, consciously choose a bank that is concerned with sustainability and thus indirectly use your money to support the environment.

Read also :'With this tip you make your diet sustainable'

2. Switch to solar energy

Stopping the use of fossil fuels is very good for the environment. Solar energy is therefore a good alternative. By switching to solar energy, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions together. And yes, even if you rent, you can switch to solar energy. Of course we also understand that you cannot just have a solar panel installed on your roof, but you can request solar energy from certain energy suppliers. They then obtain the energy for your household from a local solar panel installation. Giving the environment a helping hand therefore takes less effort than you might have thought.

3. Stop buying plastic

Plastic is made from natural gases and oils and therefore produces many greenhouse gases that trigger climate change quite quickly. By exchanging your plastic products for aluminum or glass more and more often, you give the environment a boost. Recycling plastic doesn't always work either:a lot of the plastic that you think you recycle neatly often ends up in the sea. So start by looking at your daily routines and remove as much plastic from your household as possible. For example, there are plenty of cleaning products or skin care products that you can store without plastic packaging. Every little bit helps!

4. Eat less meat

Now we hear you thinking:should I leave that delicious piece of steak when I go out for dinner? Not necessarily. We just want you to make more conscious choices. Of course you can eat a piece of meat once in a while, but try to cut back every time. For example, you can start with a meat-free day of the week. Livestock is one of the biggest contributors to climate change. By reducing your meat consumption, you are therefore doing your bit to improve the climate. In addition, there are very tasty meat substitutes as an alternative!

5. Support non-profit organizations

Fortunately, you don't have to do everything yourself! There are plenty of larger companies that are committed to changing the world in a positive way. Can you spend a little extra per month to support the climate? Then look for a non-profit organization that is fully committed to tackling the climate problem. All your euros will then be used for the good of the climate. This way you can be sure that you are doing your bit!