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Switch it up:good for the routine, good for your memory

Switch it up:good for the routine, good for your memory

Doing something different than you are used to every now and then is good against the rut. It is even said to be good for your memory. Time to change your routine.

1. Take small steps
Major changes are difficult to sustain, while a small change can also have a major effect.

2. Brush your teeth with your other hand
More awkward than you expect.

3. Eat with your other hand
Do not mindlessly dig into a bowl of popcorn or chips, but also use your other hand for that. Additional advantage:according to research you would eat up to 30 percent less.

4. Take a different route to work
Get off one stop earlier, go for a walk instead of cycling or work at a different location.

5. Try a new sport
A good idea if you haven't found the sport for you yet. In addition, doing a different workout every now and then is good for your body.

6. Do something you wouldn't normally do
Read a book outside your area of ​​interest. Visit an exhibition or film that you normally wouldn't pick out. It provides a fresh look at the world.

7. Make a dish you've never prepared before
A small change, with a nice meal as a result. Always good, right?