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Heart for your heart:3 questions for the doctor

Heart for your heart:3 questions for the doctor

You can read the female heart file in the June issue of Santé, because yes:a woman's heart really works differently than a man's heart. We asked David Smeekes, GP at the Heart Foundation, 3 questions.

Why is a healthy heart so important?

“Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. If your heart is healthy, you can easily exert yourself and you don't even realize that your heart has to work hard for it. If your heart is not healthy, any effort can be too much. This means that the quality of life deteriorates. Many heart patients have to live with limitations for years.”

Read also: Sex good for the heart? Probably only in men

How do you know if you have a healthy heart?

“If you can exercise well and have no complaints, there is no reason to assume that there is something wrong with your heart. If you do have complaints, take them seriously. Go to the doctor, even if the symptoms are less obvious. Of course it is important to live a healthy life and to keep an eye on the risk factors:your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and BMI. If these values ​​are in order, you have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Does exercise help to keep your heart in shape?

“Exercise is good for your heart and blood vessels and for your overall health. The longer, more often and more intensively you move, the better. Regular exercise helps maintain your weight and lowers your blood pressure. It also improves the ratio between good and bad cholesterol. Exercise at least 2.5 hours a week of moderate intensity and do activities that strengthen your muscles and bones at least twice a week.”