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The Recipe For Making Your Homemade Sparkling Bath Pebbles.

The Recipe For Making Your Homemade Sparkling Bath Pebbles.

Would you like to enjoy a hot bath to relax?

But above all, do not spend money on industrial products!

I suggest you make your own effervescent bath pebbles natural and economical.

Don't worry, this homemade recipe is quick and easy to make. Watch:

The Recipe For Making Your Homemade Sparkling Bath Pebbles.


- 2 cups baking soda

- 1 cup cornstarch

- a few drops of essential oil of your choice

- some food coloring

- 1 cup of citric acid

- water


- 1 sprayer

- 1 ice cube tray

How to

1. Mix two cups of baking soda and one cup of cornstarch.

2. Add a few drops of essential oil of your choice (vanilla, lavender etc.), a little food coloring and a cup of citric acid .

3. Mix then add water in small sprays, mixing between each spray.

4. When the texture obtained resembles that of wet sand, pack this mixture well in ice cube trays and let it dry for half an hour.

5. Unmold the small bath pebbles, then put them in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees for about twenty minutes.

6. Leave to cool and enjoy a nice scented and relaxing bath !


There you go, you have made your homemade effervescent bath pebbles :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

These bath pebbles have the advantage of being natural, without parabens, preservatives or other products harmful to health.

In addition, you choose their scent yourself, so they are totally personalized ! Do not hesitate to use molds in various shapes (hearts, flowers...) for more pleasure!

Why sparkling?

The bubbles on the skin increase the relaxing effect and provide a very pleasant caressing sensation during the first minutes of the bath!

The effervescence promotes the diffusion of the essential oil in the water, allowing you to fully benefit from its properties.

Obviously, he doesn't make you take a bath every night... You still have to keep a thought for your planet.

Your turn...

And you, what products do you use to enhance your baths? Let's talk about it in the comments! We can't wait to read you!