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How to prepare your skin for the sun?

How to prepare your skin for the sun?

The sunny days are here, and we all want to get some pretty colors! But be careful, to be sure to enjoy the beach with a nice tanned complexion and not end up bright red and locked in your room, you have to take precautions. Our skin is fragile, we must take care of it. And summer is getting ready several weeks in advance!
The choice of sunscreen is also very important:find out how to enjoy summer with beautiful golden skin in complete serenity and safety.

Before exposure:a suitable diet

A healthy and balanced diet can really make a difference in preparing for future sun exposure. So, before going on vacation, make the right choices for your menus:

We abuse it

– We all think of the carrot of course, but its effectiveness is far from being a legend. Beta-carotene (also present in tomatoes) is a super antioxidant that accelerates the tanning of the skin to better protect it from UV rays. Ideally, start consumption 10 weeks before exposing your skin.

– Treat yourself to mangoes but also apricots, yellow peaches and melon, just as many fruits that prepare our skin for the sun. It's the carotenoids, the natural pigments that give fruits their color and their antioxidant effects that will help prepare your skin for the sun.

-Also eat foods rich in Omega 3 (avocado, oily fish and nuts in particular). They will strengthen your skin cells against UV aggressions.

– You can also take a course of food supplements to boost the intake of antioxidants. Composed mainly of carotenoids, vitamins C and E, a one-month cure will limit the appearance of sunburn and obtain a nice tanned complexion.

We avoid them

And yes, just as there are foods to favor to prepare your skin for the sun, some are to be avoided. They are called “photosensitizers” and as nature is well made, they are found mainly in winter.

But if you're planning a long sunny trip in the middle of January, avoid stuffing yourself with clementines, celery, fennel and parsley before boarding the plane!

Box:Misconception:artificial tanning prepares the skin for the sun

No, indoor tanning sessions are by no means your allies. On the contrary, they only increase your UV exposure rate, and therefore the risk of cancer. They are therefore to be avoided!

During exposure, choose your protection carefully

An essential ally for your summers and your holidays in the sun, sunscreen acts as an anti-UV filter that will protect your skin from sunburn. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find your way among the multitudes of sunscreens that exist on the market.

The right clue

First choose a cream with the index adapted to your needs and your phototype. The higher it is, the greater the amount of UV filtered by the cream.

There are 4 categories of protection:

-Low:for creams with indices between 6 and 10

-Average:between 15 and 25

-High protection:between 30 and 50

-Very high protection:50 +

For the lightest skin, those of pregnant women and children, we will therefore not hesitate to choose an index 50+. The term "total screen" no longer exists today because no cream filters 100% UV rays.

But be careful, the darkest skins are not immune to sunburn, good protection remains important.

Vigilants on components

Then, it is important to be attentive to the composition of your sunscreen. May it be for your health and that of the planet.

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about controversial substances found in sunscreens. Endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, allergens, difficult to see clearly in the midst of all these “barbaric” words that make up sunscreens.

To help you, the consumer association UFC-Que Choisir has set up a rating system for sunscreens on the market according to their composition.

More and more environmentally friendly creams

Having a well-protected skin is essential, and when you can do it while respecting the environment, it's even better.

We now know that the chemical substances present in our sunscreens dissolve in water and contribute to the pollution of the oceans and the destruction of coral reefs.

So, to tan safely and with a good ecological conscience, more and more brands are offering sunscreens with a limited impact on the environment.

We change our cream every year!

Sunscreens are quite sensitive products. And they are often abused during our holidays:sand gets inside, the bottles are exposed to the sun for a long time...

So many factors that have a direct impact on the effectiveness of your sunscreen. So we don't take any risks, and we take the reflex to buy a new sunscreen every summer.

Sunscreen, but not only

Wearing sunscreen is essential when out in the sun. But there are also other reflexes to have to protect yourself:

– Cover your head with a hat, wear glasses

– Have children wear anti-UV clothing (their thinner skin is much more reactive than that of adults

– Avoid exposure during the hottest hours of the day:between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

– Be vigilant to the phenomenon of reflection of the sun on the water or on the snow. It considerably increases the effect of UV rays on our skin

– Keep in mind that UV rays pass through the clouds and that you have to protect yourself even when the sun is hidden

After the exhibition


After each exposure, remember to moisturize your skin well. This starts with drinking enough water. A large glass of water, flavored with mint leaves or a little lemon for an even more thirst-quenching effect. Avoid alcohol consumption, which makes the skin vulnerable to UV rays.

Also remember to eat fruits and vegetables rich in water. Fill your shopping basket with tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons and melon.

Feed your skin

After exposure to the sun, the skin is weakened by UV rays and requires care. Aloe vera and shea butter are two natural after-sun essentials, to be applied after rinsing your skin.

Aloe vera has a strong moisturizing and soothing power and will be of very good help in case of skin burns. It is now very easy to find in pharmacies and organic stores.

Shea butter, on the other hand, will deeply nourish your skin and restore its suppleness.

Focus:what to do in case of sunburn?

A sunburn is a burn resulting from exposure to sunlight. They are to be avoided at all costs. Although they often cause only slight discomfort at the time, their multiplication considerably increases the risk of skin cancer.

But if you are the victim of a sunburn, the first instinct to have is obviously to protect your skin from the sun.

In the event of a superficial burn, suitable treatments are available over-the-counter in pharmacies and recovery occurs after only a few days.

In the event of a more serious burn, and in particular the appearance of blisters on the skin, you should contact a health professional. In particular, you can use a teleconsultation service:

Skin cancer:when to worry?

A mole that changes appearance, color, shape, spreads or bleeds? Consult a dermatologist quickly.

It is also advisable to have your moles checked every year.

According to the Ministry of Health, nearly 80,000 skin cancers are diagnosed each year. The majority being due to too much exposure to the sun. Being well prepared and well protected in the sun is therefore essential to preserve our health.

But the danger does not only come from sunburn, keep in mind that it is never good to expose yourself too long to the sun's rays and even less during the hottest hours of the day, between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

While you have to be careful not to expose yourself too much to it, the sun is also a well-being ally in our daily lives. But that's not the only one, discover our tips for refueling this summer!

Source: %C3%A9nom%C3%A8ne%20de%20r%C3%A9verb%C3%A9ration%20is,%C3%A0%2020%25%20on%20the%20sand.