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Are you unable to lose weight? Then this could be the reason…

Are you unable to lose weight? Then this could be the reason…

Despite all your efforts, are you unable to lose an ounce? Then this could be the reason. We list the ten most common explanations for you.

1:You eat too often

Suppose you are used to eating a meal . three times a day to eat, with four snacks in between. Then your body doesn't get the chance to use the fat tank, says Maaike de Vries:“In order to get the fat burning going, there must be a few hours between meals. Every time you eat, your blood sugar rises. To bring it back to normal levels, your body produces insulin. But the presence of a lot of insulin blocks fat burning.” How do you do it right? If you want to use your fat stores, stick to three eating moments a day. Provide meals that are very satisfying (with lots of vegetables, healthy fats, whole grain products and a little meat, fish, egg or dairy), so that you don't get hungry in between. Without snacks you give your body the chance to burn fats.

2:You eat the wrong things

You may seem like you're doing a good job if you're doing 'healthy' things eat, like an Evergreen, a white pistolet 'healthy' at lunch, Japanese mix instead of chips. But appearances can be deceiving:all these products contain a lot of sugar, which can cause your blood sugar level to spike sharply. In this case too, a lot of insulin has to be used to regulate that peak, so that burning fat is not possible. Moreover, after such a peak, you will quickly feel hungry again. How do you do it right? Instead of grain cakes, white rolls and Japanese mix, opt for three meals that satiate for a long time and that cause your blood sugar level to rise less, and products such as nuts, whole wheat bread, avocado, fish and many vegetables. Fruit is fine, but no more than two pieces a day; fruit sugar is also sugar.

Are you unable to lose weight? Then this could be the reason… Are you unable to lose weight? Then this could be the reason…

3:you are too stressed

All day long you run from hot to here, with your phone in one hand and your child in the other. Time for yourself? You wouldn't know when. You can only relax after a few glasses of wine. In such a busy life it is difficult to lose weight, says Maaike de Vries:“When you are under stress, your body produces all kinds of hormones, including cortisol. This is useful for being able to act quickly in emergency situations, but if it is produced for a long time, it has adverse consequences. Cortisol, for example, ensures that fat is stored in your abdomen (you get a 'stress belly'). Moreover, cortisol makes you extra hungry for sweet, fatty and salty things.” How do you do it right? Make sure you have enough relaxation. Sit down regularly with a cup of tea, take a walk in the fresh air or go on yoga .

4:You sleep too little

What sleep related to weight loss? More than you think. After just one bad night, an area in the brain associated with food cravings is activated, researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden have discovered. That's right, says Maaike de Vries:“That has to do with the hormones ghrelin and leptin. The former, which stimulates the appetite, becomes after a bad night created more, of the second, which regulates your feeling of satiety, just less.” How do you do it right? Simple:get enough sleep, between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, build in some rest earlier in the evening:no more (telephone) screen, but nice music and a good book. An evening walk can also help.

5:Your sport is too fanatical

Go wild a few times a week during a spinning class in the gym † When you run, do you go so fast that you can't say a word? Such a sprint helps to improve your sporting performance, but it is of little use for weight loss. During intense exercise you burn relatively more sugars than when you exercise more slowly. As a result, you will feel more hungry afterwards and start sniffing. How do you do it right? Make sure you can still have a conversation while running, cycling or swimming. Then your body gets the chance to burn fats. If you want to do it all right, exercise before a meal.

6:You move too little

Too hard exercise doesn't make sense, but too little exercise isn't good either. Although scientific research shows that exercise alone does not make you lose weight – it makes you feel extra hungry, so you often eat a little more – exercise does have an indirect influence. It helps you relax, you get out in the fresh air, you often have less appetite for snacking afterwards, and you build more muscle mass through exercise, so you burn more calories and look more muscular and toned. How do you do it right? Exercise and exercise more than the minimum recommended 30 minutes a day, preferably 60 to 90 minutes a day. That can be anything:a lunch walk, shopping by bike instead of the car, vacuuming the room, weeding in the garden, dancing to your favorite song or swimming laps in the pool.

7:You have already lined a lot

Once upon a time—thousands of years ago—there was not as much food available as today. Our bodies are therefore geared to hoarding:you never know when you will get something again. It therefore adapts in times of scarcity. And that's exactly what happens if you diet (too) strict:because you take in so little, the metabolism switches to a saving mode, so that after the umpteenth strict diet, you can eat very little in order not to gain weight. . How do you do it right? Don't be strict lines † Eat a healthy meal three times a day. Avoid added sugars and provide at least 250 grams of vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, a little meat, fish, egg or dairy and two pieces of fruit every day.

8:You eat too many healthy things

Avocado, apples, whole wheat bread, mackerel and almonds; all healthy, but you can also eat too much of these. More is not better:three avocados and a kilo of nuts a day is really too much of a good thing, even though it still contains so many healthy substances. And homemade banana bread is fine, but not a whole loaf of bread a day. How do you do it right? Also eat healthy things in moderation. Good news:you can't easily eat too many vegetables. Have fun with vegetables in all colors of the rainbow.

9:You eat too quickly

Quickly eat in between, at your desk or standing at the counter? Chances are you eat more than you need to. It takes about twenty minutes before a signal from the stomach goes to the brain:we've had enough. How do you do it right? Turn a meal into a rest time. Eat mindfully, taste what you eat and enjoy it. Provide food that you chew well. All these things make you more satiated.

10:You drink too much sugar

Soda, but also fruit juice is a notorious pitfall:you ingest a lot of sugars without noticing. “In addition, your brain registers drinks less well,” says Maaike de Vries. “So they are less likely to give you a feeling of satiety.” Think you're doing well with homemade fruit smoothies? “Even then it is easy to ingest too much sugar. Suppose you are squeezing five oranges. Healthy glass of juice, you think. But if you try to eat five oranges, you'll never finish it." How do you do it right? Drink mainly water, coffee and tea (without sugar and milk).

Source:Girlfriend, Image:Getty Images

Are you unable to lose weight? Then this could be the reason…

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