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Stopping the Pill:Experience Stories

Stopping the Pill:Experience Stories

In the July issue of Santé you can read the story of Santé's Shirley. She has been taking the pill for five years without taking a break.

How (un)healthy is it to swallow the pill? You can read in the article from page 32 what the benefits actually are. It probably comes as no surprise after reading the article that Shirley cannot do without the pill. However, we also see pill fatigue developing around us.

More and more women are stopping the pill even though they don't want to get pregnant. Gynecologist Oosterhuis, who we spoke to for the article, confirms the pill fatigue. More and more women in his department ask for advice about stopping the pill and inquire about alternatives.

Women who do not want to stop taking the pill because they want to get pregnant, but because they have the idea that the pill has unpleasant side effects. Or they have heard that others feel better without the pill and want to experience what quitting does to their own body.

Would you like to stop taking the pill?
There is a lot to be found on the internet about it. Below you will find a number of blogs with experiences of women who have stopped taking the pill.

  • Jennie from the blog:My experience with stopping the pill
  • I am not Iris:Stop the pill
  • 2WMN:Stopped taking the pill
  • Fleur Sophia:Stopped taking the pill, three months later
  • La Viesagista:I have stopped taking the pill
  • Deborah Writes:Stop the contraceptive pill