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3 Reasons Drinking Alcohol Can Make You Stress (and What You Can Do About It)

3 Reasons Drinking Alcohol Can Make You Stress (and What You Can Do About It)

Anyone who has ever had too much alcohol knows that restless feeling from the next day. You want to do things, but you can't bring yourself to do it. Or you lie in bed panicked because you feel so bad and never want to feel that way again. But where do those anxious and disturbing feelings come from? And why can't we just enjoy being in bed with a hangover? Below you can read why drinking alcohol can cause you stress and what you can do about it.

Why do you get stressed after drinking alcohol?

1. It plays with your brain

There is a good chance that you will be very happy and carefree while drinking. But that mood can change immediately if you drink too much. You can become restless and panicky and your brain is affected by the alcohol. Once the alcohol kicks in, your brain doesn't know what to do. This is because your body is still numb from the alcohol, but your brain wants to go back to the hyperactivity from before. This makes it easy for you to become restless and anxious.

Read also :'Just as tasty:3 summer cocktails without alcohol'

2. A hangover can cause anxiety and stress

A glass of wine to relax may seem like a good idea, but alcohol can also have the opposite effect on your brain. Because you become dehydrated and have a low blood sugar level when you drink (too) much, you feel tired, irritated and nauseous and you can even suffer from heart palpitations. And that doesn't exactly make you feel good…

3. Getting a 'blackout' can be stressful

Do you really drink way too much and can't remember half of the night before? Then it is not surprising that you become slightly anxious and panicked. You wonder what has happened and that is accompanied by stress.

What can you do about it?

1. Do not drink too much

He may be obvious, but we're going to mention him anyway. Would you like to enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail, but you don't feel like the anxious feelings that a hangover brings? Then make sure you don't knock back too many glasses and drink in moderation.

2. Hydrate well before, during and after drinking

Another important factor in reducing hangovers – and the subsequent anxiety and stress – is making sure you drink enough water. So drink a few glasses of water before, during and after drinking the alcohol to compensate. Of course that makes little sense if you still drink liters of alcohol, so also pay close attention to how much alcohol you ingest.

3. Do not drink too often in a row

Not only is it better to avoid drinking too much in one evening, it is also better not to drink too often to prevent anxiety and stress. So don't conquer your hangover with even more alcohol, but sleep well and wait at least a few days before reaching for another glass of alcohol. This gives your body plenty of time to relax and recover from the last drink.

4. Stimulate your BDNF

Your BDNF - Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor -is a neurotrophin, an important substance that keeps your neurons strong and healthy and regulates your metabolism. Because of this substance you run less risk of getting depression and other mental health problems. Stimulate the production of BDNF by exercising, meditating and being with people and notice how your anxiety symptoms disappear like snow in the sun. Then an extra glass can't bring you down too hard...

5. Meditate

By meditating a lot you ensure that your body relaxes and you can better deal with fear emotions. Are you familiar with regular meditation? Top! Then you can save yourself during a hangover if you don't feel so well for a while. Are you unable to do it yourself? Then you can always use handy apps to guide you through your meditation. Keep calm and don't drink too much…