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6 things dentists do for healthy teeth

6 things dentists do for healthy teeth

what you are doing wrong while brushing and flossing). But besides brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and seeing the dentist regularly, there are a lot of things you can do in your daily life to keep your teeth healthy and strong. Are you reading along?

1. Drink tap water

Not only does water wash food particles off your teeth, the small amount of fluoride in water is also a good tool to protect your teeth. The more fluoride there is on your teeth, the better they are protected against acidic substances that can cause cavities.

2. Lick your teeth

It may sound crazy, but by running your tongue over your teeth you can feel whether there is a layer on your teeth that you can brush off. So do this once a day between your brushings to see if an extra brushing wouldn't hurt.

3. Eat crunchy fruit and vegetables

By eating harder fruits and vegetables, you scrape off a layer of plaque from your teeth, as it were. Apples or celery, for example, work very well for this. In addition, you also get vitamins; win-win!

4. Snack with nuts and peanuts

Crunchy food not only scrapes a layer of plaque from your teeth, it also ensures that you produce more saliva by chewing. And saliva is another good tool to keep your mouth and teeth clean. Don't feel like munching on fruits and vegetables all day long? Then peanuts and nuts are also a good snack with the same effect. And they also contain a lot of protein, fiber and healthy fats to make you feel full so you don't have to walk to the candy drawer afterwards.

5. Chew chewing gum

It probably sounds very contradictory… But, as you read above, saliva is very good for your teeth. What better way to make that than by chewing gum? Of course, choose a sugar-free option, otherwise your dentist will not thank you yet. In addition, chewing gum also strengthens your teeth due to the chewing movements you constantly make.

6. Let your stress go

Stress is in many cases not particularly beneficial. That also applies to your teeth. Stress can make you clenched your teeth or grind your teeth without realizing it. This can have an effect on your teeth and eventually cause them to wear out or even break down. A tip to avoid tense jaws:write the word "open" on a post-it and stick it on your computer screen if you're sitting at your desk all day. This will occasionally remind you to relax your jaws. And you'll soon notice that as your jaw relaxes, your whole body will follow. Try it out!