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This is how you get through the extra hot days!

The holidays have started and it has been really summery for a while now. In the coming days it will be extra warm, and the temperature will rise to values ​​around 30 degrees. Even at night it does not get much colder than about 20 degrees. The power of the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun will also be high in the coming days. It is probably around 7. This means that the skin can burn within 15 minutes. So protect yourself from the sun. And don't forget the dogs! See below what you can do against the sun and the heat.

Drink more water
You know how important it is to stay hydrated all year round. When you sweat a lot, either from exercise or from the summer heat, drinking enough water becomes even more important.

Don't let the sun in
Keep blinds and curtains closed during the day as a preventative measure to prevent the room from overheating.

Stay in the shade
It is recommended to stay in the shade between 12 noon and 3 pm. This is the time of day when the sun is strongest.

Wear thin clothing
Choosing lightweight cotton clothing is the best option when it's warm outside. Avoid dark colors and keep it summery with white and cream, as these reflect the sun's radiation more.

Eat small meals regularly Your body warms up to process larger meals. Metabolic heat is needed to break down food, so eating smaller portions can keep you cool.

Limit physical exertion in the afternoon
Just because it's hot doesn't mean you should stop exercising. You can just keep training but avoid it when the sun is strongest, and do it in short periods.

Keep the house cool
Make sure it is nice and cool inside by using one or more fans or air conditioning.

Apply sunscreen to the skin Don't forget sunscreen! Reapply the skin regularly.