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Mosquitoes? This is how you get rid of it

Tired of mosquitoes? You're done with this. Make your own mosquito trap and natural mosquito repellent. No more chemical mess on the skin, but a homemade mosquito repellent that can be used safely by young and old. Made exclusively from natural products. Protect yourself and your family with this easy-to-make mosquito trap and DIY mosquito repellent based on apple cider vinegar.

Mosquitoes? You can get rid of it in no time

The beautiful weather, warm temperatures, these are all ingredients that ensure that we get problems with mosquitoes again. As if it wasn't annoying enough that these insects can sting you, they also buzz your ear a hundred times annoyingly. And then try to sleep. So it's time to keep mosquitoes away from you once and for all.

For starters, it's good to know that only female mosquitoes can sting. They need that blood to reproduce. Female mosquitoes not only sting people, animals are also occasionally harassed by mosquitoes.

Not everyone is bothered by mosquitoes. Whether a mosquito chooses you over your partner depends on a number of factors. A mosquito is attracted to a combination of factors:they can smell the CO2 emissions from your breath (at a distance of 20 meters), they can smell whether your blood is free of diseases and therefore safe. Eating certain nutrients can affect your body odor, making you less attractive to mosquitoes.

My experience with mosquitoes

We have lived in the tropics (Suriname) for almost 13 years. In the beginning it was terrible:not only was I completely punctured by the mosquitoes there, I also reacted very strongly to it. As a result, I had bumps several centimeters in diameter and my legs didn't look as good as a result. After a few months I apparently got used to it and after a while you only saw a small dot when you were stung by a mosquito again. So you can also get a kind of immunity to mosquitoes. However, we did use sprays and that sort of thing, because 30-40 buzzing mosquitoes in your room:that is not conducive to your sleep.

Fortunately, you don't have to be punctured to develop some kind of immunity. There are several things you can do to get rid of those pesky mosquitoes. Below you will find tips for making a mosquito trap, a natural mosquito repellent and other tips.

Make a mosquito trap

Although it is better to prevent an invasion of mosquitoes in the house by placing protective screens, the mosquito trap can offer a solution if there are mosquitoes or mosquitoes in the house or garden. The mosquito trap can be made from an old plastic bottle that is recycled with it.


Plastic bottle (large)

Black insulating tape or black cardboard and glue

1 gr Yeast

50 gr caster sugar

200 ml of warm water


How to make a mosquito trap yourself

  1. Cut off the top of the bottle (about 1/3 from the top, where the label begins)
  2. Line the outside with black cardboard or the insulating tape (mosquitoes like dark places)
  3. Pour 200 ml of hot water and the sugar into the bottom half
  4. Let the sugar dissolve completely and cool slightly
  5. Add the yeast when the water is lukewarm (no need to mix)
  6. Turn the top part of the uncapped bottle upside down into the bottle containing the liquid
  7. Now put the bottle in a dark place and let the mosquitoes fly into the trap

Thanks to the addition of yeast, carbon dioxide is created, which the mosquitoes will be attracted to. The mosquito trap will attract mosquitoes for at least two weeks. After two to three weeks, the mixture and the dead mosquitoes should be discarded and replaced.

Make your own mosquito repellent

Sometimes it is necessary to protect yourself or a family member against possible mosquito or mosquito stings. This can be done with a homemade mosquito repellent. Only natural ingredients are used for this DIY mosquito repellent.


Apple cider vinegar

2 teaspoons sage *

2 teaspoons Rosemary*

2 teaspoons Lavender*

2 teaspoons Thyme*

2 teaspoons Mint*

Glass jar that can be sealed airtight


Spray bottle (sterilized perfume bottle works great)

*dried herbs

How to make your own mosquito repellent

  1. Put the dried herbs together with the apple cider vinegar in the glass jar
  2. Seal the jar airtight and place it in a conspicuous place, so you don't forget to shake it vigorously every day. Do this every day for two to three weeks.
  3. After 2-3 weeks, the mixture can be sieved, removing the herbs completely. Store the liquid in a glass jar in the refrigerator
  4. Before use, mix the tincture with ½ part (sterilized) water and transfer to a spray bottle and use as needed

More tips to get rid of mosquitoes

  1. Use a mosquito net
  2. Make sure there are screens in front of doors and windows
  3. Prevent mosquitoes from breeding (empty dishes under plants in time, do not leave bowls with water, check car tires in the garden, fill pond with fish, etc.)
  4. Make sure your body odor is not attractive to mosquitoes
  5. Use an electric fly swatter
  6. Wear long, airy clothes when out in the evening

Tips against mosquito bites

Still stung by a mosquito or mosquito? The following natural tips will help to relieve the itching:

  • Spray a little coconut oil on the bump
  • A little (apple) vinegar also has a cooling effect

Fighting mosquitoes in a different way

Now here in the Netherlands we mainly have to deal with mosquitoes, but mosquitoes occur in other (tropical) countries. These mosquitoes can also transmit diseases by stinging different people. Think of malaria, Zika, dengue fever, yellow fever and other diseases, which in the worst case can lead to death. Of course, science is trying to come up with all sorts of things here and one of the ways is a pill that you have to take. The pill releases a poisonous substance for the mosquitoes/musks, so that they will die after the blood sample. Curious how that goes? Then watch the video below:

Do you have any tips for keeping mosquitoes away (preferably of course, without having to use chemicals)? Leave your tips in a comment below.

*featured image Shutterstock