Chia seeds are among the healthiest foods on the planet.
Indeed, although tiny, they are full of nutrients.
In addition, chia seeds are recognized for their important benefits for the body and the brain.
Without further ado, here are the 11 scientifically proven health benefits of chia seeds . Watch:
The tiny black seeds come from chia, or Salvia hispanica , a plant similar to mint.
Originally from Mexico, chia seeds were for a long time one of the most important sources of food there.
The Aztecs and Mayans consumed them for their energizing properties. By the way, the word chia means strength in the Mayan language.
Thus, chia seeds have long been a staple ingredient in South America.
But it's only recently that chia seeds have been "rediscovered" by Western cultures as a true superfood with many health benefits.
Today, chia seeds have become a popular ingredient around the world, especially among health-conscious people.
Don't be fooled by their modest size. Although tiny, chia seeds are particularly rich in nutrients .
A single serving of chia seeds, either 30g or 2 tbsp, contains (1):
- fiber:11g
- protein:4g
- lipids:9 g (including 5 g of omega-3)
- calcium:18% of the RDA
- manganese:30% of the RDA
- magnesium:30% of the RDA
- phosphorus:27% of the RDA
- significant amounts of zinc, vitamin B3 (niacin), potassium, vitamin B1 (thiamin) and vitamin B2.
This nutritional boost is particularly impressive, especially considering that this is just a single 30g serving , or 2 tablespoons.
But that's not all:one serving contains only 137 calories and 1 g of assimilable carbohydrates.
On the other hand, if we exclude fiber (which is not digested by the body and does not contribute to calorie intake), then a serving of chia seeds contains only 101 calories per 30 g.
This means that chia seeds are one of the best sources of nutrients, for the same calorie intake.
But that's not all ! Know that chia seeds are also whole grains, and generally come from organic farming.
Plus, they're GMO-free and naturally gluten-free.
In summary: despite their tiny size, chia seeds are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. They are particularly rich in fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and various vitamins and minerals.
To discover: 20 ZERO Calorie Foods To Help You Lose Weight.
Chia seeds also stand out for their high antioxidant content (2, 3).
These antioxidants serve to protect the fatty acids in the seeds and prevent them from going rancid (4).
Several studies indicate that naturally occurring antioxidants in food have positive effects on health (5).
Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals which can damage cells, contribute to premature aging...
...and increase the risk of certain diseases, including cancer (6, 7).
In summary: chia seeds are high in antioxidants, which protect the fatty acids in the seeds. Antioxidants also have many health benefits.
One serving of chia seeds (30g) contains 12g of carbohydrates, of which 11g is dietary fiber.
Dietary fibers are part of carbohydrates, but they have the particularity of not being digested by the body.
Moreover, fiber has no effect on blood sugar and does not require insulin to be eliminated.
So, although they belong to the family of carbohydrates, the effects of fiber on health are radically different from those of assimilable carbohydrates, such as starch and sugar.
The assimilable carbohydrate content of chia seeds is particularly low:only 1g in a 30g serving.
This means that chia seeds are a low carbohydrate food.
Due to their high soluble fiber content, chia seeds can absorb up to 10-12 times their weight in water.
It is for this reason that chia seeds become gelatinous and sticky when soaked in water.
Likewise, it is also for this reason that they expand in the stomach (8).
Due to their ability to absorb and expand, experts believe chia seeds help to increase the feeling of satiety , slow food absorption and reduce caloric intake.
Fiber also helps maintain good transit, as it regulates the intestinal flora (9).
The weight of chia seeds is made up of up to 40% fiber, making it one of the best sources of fiber in the world.
In summary: almost all of the carbohydrates in chia seeds are fiber. This gives them the ability to absorb 10 to 12 times their weight in water. Dietary fiber also has many health benefits.
To discover: The 16 Highest Fiber Foods You Should Know.
Chia seeds contain a significant amount of protein.
These proteins represent 14% of the weight of chia seeds, a particularly high proportion compared to other foods of plant origin.
In addition, they are complete proteins, that is to say that they contain the 9 essential amino acids and are therefore easily transformed by the body (10, 11).
Protein has many health benefits, and is by far the most effective nutrient for weight loss.
Indeed, a high protein intake brings a feeling of satiety , which reduces appetite.
Several studies have shown that protein helps reduce obsessive thoughts about food by 60% and the urge to snack at night by 50% (12, 13).
Chia seeds are truly an excellent source of protein, especially for those who eat little or no food of animal origin.
In summary: chia seeds have a high content of complete protein, which far exceeds that of most other vegetables. Protein is known to be the most weight-loss-friendly macronutrient, and can significantly reduce appetite and snacking.
To discover: The 15 Foods RICHEST in Plant Protein.
Many health experts believe that chia seeds promote weight loss.
Thanks to their soluble fiber, chia seeds can absorb large amounts of water and expand in the stomach.
It is this dilation effect that increases the feeling of satiety and slows the absorption of food (14).
Several studies of a similarly functioning soluble fiber, glucomannan, have been shown to promote weight loss (15, 16).
Additionally, the protein in chia seeds also helps reduce appetite and food intake.
In fact, one study found that consuming chia seeds for breakfast increases feelings of fullness and helps decrease food intake in the short term (17).
In a 6-month study of obese people with type 2 diabetes, researchers found that daily consumption of chia seeds resulted in weight loss significantly greater than that of a placebo (20).
It is unlikely that adding chia seeds to your diet alone will cause weight loss.
But experts believe that chia seeds are a useful addition to a weight loss diet.
Remember, a slimming diet is not just about changing one or two isolated foods.
Indeed, it is all the foods that make up your diet that counts, but also sleep, physical activity and other important aspects of your lifestyle.
So, in combination with a proper diet and a healthy, active lifestyle, chia seeds can actually promote weight loss.
In summary: chia seeds are high in fiber and protein, proven to aid weight loss.
To discover: The 15 Best Foods to Eat to Lose Weight Fast.
Like flax seeds, chia seeds are particularly high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Moreover, at equal weight, chia seeds still contain more omega-3 than salmon .
However, it is important to clarify that the omega-3s in chia seeds are mainly composed of alpha-linolenic fatty acid (ALA), which is less beneficial than one might think.
In fact, in order for the body to be able to use ALA, it must first transform it into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), in their active forms.
The problem is that the human body has trouble converting ALA into these active forms.
It is for this reason that omega-3s in plant foods have fewer health benefits than omega-3s in animal foods, such as fish oil (21).
Studies have proven that chia seeds — especially if ground — can increase blood levels of ALA and EPA, but not DHA (19, 22).
Thus, chia seeds are not a good source of DHA, the most important omega-3 fatty acid.
It is for this reason that experts tend to consider chia seeds to be a lower quality source of omega-3s.
To provide enough DHA essential for the proper functioning of the brain and the body, regularly consume fatty fish or fish oil, such as this one.
And if you are vegan, know that there are also DHA food supplements of plant origin.
In summary: chia seeds have an exceptional content of ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid. However, the human body fails to convert it into DHA, the most important omega-3 fatty acid.
Because chia seeds are high in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, they help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
For example, studies in rats have proven that chia seeds help reduce some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including triglycerides, inflammation, insulin resistance, and abdominal fat.
Researchers have also found that chia seeds help increase "good" cholesterol (HDL) levels in rats (23, 24).
Other studies have proven that chia seeds reduce blood pressure significantly in people with hypertension, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (25, 26).
Overall, experts believe that chia seeds may have positive heart health benefits.
In summary: Studies conducted on the benefits of chia seeds on cardiovascular disease risk show promising results, but more research is needed to confirm these benefits.
To discover: How to Lower Your Cholesterol Level? The 7 Natural Anti-Cholesterol Remedies.
Chia seeds are high in many of the nutrients that are essential for healthy bones.
These include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and protein.
Their calcium content is particularly impressive:a single serving of chia seeds (30g) contains 18% of the RDA.
Pound for pound, the calcium content of chia seeds is higher than that of most dairy products .
Therefore, chia seeds are considered an excellent source of calcium for people who do not consume dairy products.
However, be aware that chia seeds also contain phytic acid, which may slightly reduce calcium absorption.
In summary: chia seeds are rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and protein. All of these nutrients are essential for bone health.
Transient hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) on an empty stomach is a hallmark symptom of untreated type 2 diabetes.
Chronic fasting hyperglycemia is often associated with several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease (27).
Even transient blood sugar spikes, such as those after a meal, can have adverse health effects, especially when they are regular and too high (28).
However, animal studies have shown that chia seeds can improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels after a meal (24, 29, 30).
Human studies confirm these benefits.
They show that eating bread with chia seeds helps reduce blood sugar spikes after a meal, compared to bread without chia seeds (31, 32).
In summary: several studies have proven that chia seeds help regulate blood sugar spikes after a high-carb meal, an important health benefit for people with type 2 diabetes.
Inflammation is the body's normal reaction to infection or injury.
Typically, the inflammatory reaction is characterized by redness and swelling of the skin.
Thus, inflammation can be beneficial as it helps the body heal and fight bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.
But it can also have negative consequences. This is particularly the case with chronic inflammation, which is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Often, chronic inflammation has no visible signs, but it can be spotted by an analysis of inflammatory markers in the blood.
Certain bad habits increase the risk of chronic inflammation, including smoking, lack of physical activity or poor diet.
Conversely, certain healthy foods help reduce levels of inflammatory markers in the blood.
In a 3-month study of 20 people with diabetes, researchers found that consuming 37g of chia seeds daily reduced by 40% levels of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker.
By comparison, researchers found no significant improvement in people who ate wheat bran bread (25).
In summary: a study indicates that consuming chia seeds helps reduce levels of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker. However, more research is needed.
Chia seeds are surprisingly easy to incorporate into your diet.
With a neutral taste, you can add them to almost all your favorite recipes, sweet or savory.
And unlike flax seeds, they don't need to be ground, which makes preparing them that much easier.
You can eat the seeds chia everywhere:
- sprinkled in breakfast cereals, yogurts, vegetables or rice dishes,
- soaked in fruit juice,
- added to your recipes for porridge, pudding, smoothies or
- ground and incorporated into cake batters and homemade breads.
And because they absorb water and fat, chia seeds are also great for thickening sauces and replacing an egg in a recipe. Click here to find out how.
They can also be soaked in water to make gelled water.
So adding chia seeds to your recipes is an easy way to dramatically increase your nutritional intake.
If you want to buy chia seeds, know that you can find excellent quality on the Internet, with hundreds of favorable comments, such as these organic chia seeds.
You can also easily find it in all organic stores.
Chia seeds are easily digested.
However, if you are not used to eating fiber-rich foods, your transit may be slightly affected when you eat too many of them.
Wondering how much to eat to benefit from the virtues of chia seeds?
Know that experts recommend eating 1.5 tablespoons (20 g) chia seeds, twice a day .
Chia seeds are not only rich in nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and fiber, but they are also easy to prepare.
Most often, they are eaten in pudding, porridge or in a smoothie.
Scientific studies indicate that chia seeds have many health benefits , including to reduce inflammation and lose weight.
If you are not yet eating chia seeds, consider adding them to your diet.
Indeed, they are among the few superfoods really worthy of the name.