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Can not you Sleep? Try pressing this

Can not you Sleep? Try pressing this

You can of course 'take the pills', but first trying to see if you fall asleep better in other ways is also an idea. Have you ever heard of this technique?

Tossing, sweating, grinding and again those 8 hours do not manage. It happens to almost everyone from time to time:not being able to sleep well for a night - or more than that. If it bothers you for a longer period of time, you can try the technique below.

Also read:'Is it bad to sleep with wet hair?'

Pressure points

Your body has all kinds of pressure points. Places where, for example, acupuncturists make good use of. And you may have heard of foot reflexology. Yet you can already 'practice' yourself at home and hopefully you press exactly the right buttons to get yourself to sleep.

LV3, P6 and K1

They are the names for the 3 pressure points that can take you to dreamland. LV3 is located on the top of your foot. Under your toes, between the big toe and the one next to it. Put your finger on this for a count or 5.

Pressure point P6 is not on your foot, but on your arm. On the inside, about 3 fingers above your wrist. Again 'press' for a few seconds.

And K1 is on the bottom of your foot. The ball of your foot has a kind of crease (or notch), and that's where you should be in the middle. Here you have to press a little longer, 30 seconds. Then pause for 5 seconds. And apply pressure for another 30 seconds.


Do you talk about it at work the next day? Then you will see that your colleagues will undoubtedly come up with all kinds of other tips. Herbal tea, read a book, take an evening walk. All worth a try. Sleep well!