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What can you do to avoid a cold?

What can you do to avoid a cold?

You hear more and more people sniffling around you. With these tips you can arm yourself, as best you can, against a cold virus.

1. Sleep and rest enough Too little sleep weakens your immune system, making you an easier prey for a virus. Getting enough sleep is a good idea.

2. Wash your hands regularly
Bacteria spreads easily through your hands. You touch everything all day long and you often sit with your hands without noticing it on your face. Therefore wash your hands regularly, but certainly after visiting the toilet, before cooking, before eating or after shaking a few hands.

3. Do not rub your face A (flu) virus can enter your body through your mouth, eyes and nose. Therefore try to touch your face as little as possible.

4. Pay attention to hygiene
Provide ventilation, do not drink from the same glass, clean your keyboard regularly (especially if you share it with others) and also pay attention to the door handle, a favorite gathering place for pathogens. Clean the house a little more often when people are walking around with a cold.

5. Drink enough water or tea
Dehydration in combination with too little sleep and the necessary work stress are not good for your body.

6. Eat healthy
Make sure you get all the vitamins your body needs. Therefore, if you no longer feel completely great, continue to eat healthy. However attractive it is to give in to that less healthy meal.

Read also: Home, garden and kitchen remedies for a cold