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Can not sleep; how can you help your kids in hot weather?

Not being able to sleep can turn into a major drama if this is a recurring problem with your kids. Fortunately, most children still sleep well, until the moment of summer time arrives, then it becomes more difficult. It is longer light so they can not sleep. Or at least less easy to fall asleep. If it also gets very hot, then you have all the dolls dancing. That has been the case here for the past few weeks.

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Not being able to sleep; drama at its best

If my children can't sleep, this ends in keeping mom and dad busy 😉 . And I get it, I used to do that myself, of course. But how tiring that is. I myself am also very hot on these summer evenings and to deal with that every time complaining children who cannot sleep does not make you happier. That is why (after doing some research among our readers) we have listed the tips to give our children a helping hand.

Tips to help your children fall asleep on hot days

Of course there are undoubtedly some tips that you already know, but I also hope that we have been able to give you a few ideas that you can certainly use! Not only suitable for your children, by the way, also for yourself and your partner 😉 .

Read also: What are the best bedtimes for your kids, by the way?

1. Take a nice lukewarm shower before going to bed

This goes without saying, but a nice warm rinse before going to sleep ensures that your body cools down a bit. Do not shower too cold, because if you do, your body will think you are cold and will do its best to warm you up again!

2. Fan by your bed

We ourselves have a Dyson fan that rotates 😉 . When the youngest goes to bed we put it in front of her face, when she sleeps the oldest can have it and then we pull him to our bedroom when we go to bed. Helps to cool down a bit, but not enough of course on hot days.

Update: If you have the opportunity, place the fan with the back to the open window so that it draws in the cooler air and distributes it.

tip:what you can do on hot days in this case is fill a few bottles with water and put them in the freezer beforehand. You put these bottles frozen in front of your fan, so that the air you reach takes a lot of cold from the bottles. Works great! By the way, don't forget that the bottles get wet during condensation... so put a cloth underneath to catch this.

3. Making a cold hug

I personally think this is a super tip † Making a cold hug for your child to take to bed. Not suitable for the little ones, but very doable from about 5 years old.

You take a cooling element from the freezer, wrap it in a tea towel with elastic around it and you're done! This way your child can cool off by cuddling with a fresh tea towel!

4. (mobile) air conditioning

This one is still on our list. For years actually 😉 . Still, summer is often over before we've even made the commitment to buy such a thing. The problem is that I don't really know where to put such a bitch, but he seems really ideal to me!

Obviously, an open door this tip, but if not being able to sleep due to hot weather is a problem, this is the solution. I can now report, because recently we have a mobile unit that rotates the fan - just like before.

⇒ This portable air conditioner is one of the better choices, if you're also looking!

5. Put on a wet garment before going to sleep

This tip is suitable for everyone. Only apply on really hot days so that there is no risk of catching a cold.

With the little ones you wet a romper which you then wring well and put on before they go to bed. For the older kids (but also for yourself) it is nice to do this with a shirt or shirt. If you find it annoying to lie in bed like this, just put a towel under yourself! If you still don't like this, you can also try it with socks instead of a shirt 😉 .

6. A wider bed

I can recommend this to everyone anyway, but especially if your little one is inclined to take quite a few cuddly toys in bed, it is nice if there is still a little space left. I also notice in myself that -since we got the Matt sleeps mattress- we are at least slightly less warm ourselves. Better than wringing in a 1.40 m wide bed with 2 adults, getver!

7. Put your pillow in the freezer

Another great tip to try. On very warm days and nights, it is best to put your pillow in a plastic bag in the freezer beforehand. When going to bed, you remove your pillow and this cools your head nicely and you can fall asleep better.

8. Cool down rooms as soon as possible

Of course there is also such a thing as cooling down as soon as possible. So preferably keep all curtains closed when the sun is shining and open everything in the morning or at night so that the wind can blow through and cool down.

We ourselves sleep with this weather at night with the bedroom door completely open. It cools down wonderfully, but of course it also has a disadvantage… mosquitoes. Fortunately, we also know something about that, read here the best tips against mosquitoes, which of course also include the Squitos anti-mosquito stickers.

9. A bottle of very cold tap water in bed

It is also known as the inverted pitcher. Not being able to sleep is a thing of the past with this tip, because your child will curl up around this lovely cool bottle and immediately fall asleep. You don't have to think about this tip beforehand. You can just arrange it yourself at the moment.

10. Sheets in the freezer

Another tip from a reader… toss the sheets in the freezer before your child has to go to bed. Not being able to sleep is no longer an option because this is wonderful of course, you understand that.

Used image about not sleeping via Shutterstock