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Join the cold shower challenge!

Join the cold shower challenge!

Are you feeling a bit lifeless now that the days seem the same due to the coronavirus? Then join the cold shower challenge to get more energy!

We are allowed a little more from May 11th, but in terms of trips, doing something fun with family and friends or sports a game together, we just have to wait and see. The days are therefore very similar and you get little energy from that. Your mood doesn't improve either and sometimes you notice that you are easily distracted and have trouble focusing.

That is why Mariette Boon, doctor and scientist, and Annushka de Graaf, nutrition and lifestyle coach, came up with the Fat Cool Shower Challenge from 11 to 17 May.

Read also: '9 reasons why you should take a really cold shower'


The  The aim of this challenge is to make people feel fitter, more positive and more energetic in this hectic time of lockdown and stress. And to give the wind to make it easier to lose weight.

It has been scientifically proven (including through Mariette's own studies at the LUMC) that cold makes our body's own brown fat (our internal heater) work harder, so that our fat burning shoots up. Furthermore, the cold makes you more alert, you feel happier (it ensures more production of 'happy hormones') and it gives your immune system a boost. Exactly what we need in this time!


Via the Instagram account @kou_als_medicine they guide people to build up the cold shower in 7 days, from 20 seconds to 90 seconds at the end. Daily motivational texts, facts and facts about the health benefits of cold are sent via the account.


Participation in the Vet Cool Shower Challenge is entirely at your own risk. If you are in doubt or have physical complaints, always consult your doctor first!