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"Is it bad to eat the same thing every day?"

 Is it bad to eat the same thing every day?

Do you eat practically the same thing every day and wonder if it can actually hurt? In this article we will answer the question 'Is it bad to eat the same thing every day?'. Are you reading along?

Read also :'Stop eating out of boredom:that's how you do it'


First of all, it is good to look at the reason why you eat the same thing every day. Is it simply because you don't like much? Or because you don't dare to try new foods? In the latter case:try it step by step. There is a reason why fruits and vegetables are all colored differently – each product has its own nutritional benefits in the form of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. So it's actually a shame if you constantly eat the same thing, because it could just be that you don't get all the nutrients your body needs. Varying in meat and fish types can also do a lot of good for your body, because they also contain different nutrients.


Another good reason to vary what you eat? Avoid getting bored of what you eat! If you follow a diet in which you are not allowed many things – and therefore constantly eat the same thing – there is a good chance that you will no longer be able to see the healthy food at some point. Of course it is also good to realize that you cannot eat healthy food without limit and that you do not get enough nutrients if you only eat the same thing, even if they are healthy products. People also have a natural need for variety. This not only ensures that our taste buds remain triggered, but also that we do not develop a shortage of certain nutrients.

How do you do that, varied food?

How can you ensure that you continue to eat a varied diet? In any case, try to work with frozen fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and herbs in your meals. You can also use different types of grain and see what that does for you. Above all, make sure you enjoy what you eat and try new things every now and then – you will be amazed at yourself!


It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's better to vary. Eliminating entire food groups or macronutrients from your diet can lead to a shortage of important nutrients. In addition, there is a chance that you will eat less healthily if you get bored of eating the same food over and over. Therefore, try to get as many different nutrients from your diet as possible by eating frozen fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, grains and healthy fats.