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Is watching television bad for the line?

Is watching television bad for the line?

Besides the fact that you have chosen to hang out on the couch instead of doing something active, watching television has another disadvantage:you often eat something tasty with it and that is not good for the line.

What program you watch affects how much you eat If you watch a pathetic movie, you probably eat more. Research shows that people who watched Love Story ate 30 percent more popcorn than those who watched Sweet Home Alabama. In fact, viewers of the pathetic movie Solaris ate 55 percent more than those who watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding. A typical case of emo eating, but in response to a movie.

Not only sad movies have a bad influence If you put on an action movie out of self-protection, then you don't necessarily eat less. In fast-paced action movies, the pace is so high that you mindlessly eat large amounts. You don't realize at what pace you're eating. We also eat more when we watch a boring program.

What else can we look at? We can only draw one conclusion:if you watch TV while eating, you always eat too much. The solution is to eat more mindfully. Don't sit on the couch with the whole bag of chips, but put a portion in a bowl. It's gone, so you know exactly how much you've eaten.