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How you dry your hands after washing is also very important

How you dry your hands after washing is also very important

We've talked extensively about how to wash your hands before now that is one of the ways to avoid being infected by the coronavirus. But did you know that the way you dry your hands is also very important?

The World Health Organization recommends drying your hands with paper towels or an electric hand dryer, as this would be the most hygienic. But there are also studies that the electric hand dryer is not as good as claimed, especially now that the coronavirus is making victims.

Read also: ‘Washing hands as it should be‘

Dry hands

Suppose you have not washed your hands very well and therefore there are still bacteria on your hands, you can spread them by using an electric hand dryer. The droplets are blown into the room and can thus be spread, bacteria and all.

So rather dry your hands with paper towels!,