Today I am listing all the benefits of a succulent exotic fruit :I named the banana.
Because if we know that it is generally good for health, we generally do not know why!
In any case, I was unable to explain all the good things that this fruit brings to my body.
But while doing my research, I discovered all its secrets and it's frankly quite amazing.
I had no idea that it brought so many nutrients to our body!
So much so that today, I actually eat 1 a day.
By reading all its virtues, I'm sure you'll get into it too.
Discover the 10 health benefits of bananas and why you should eat them every day. Watch:
The banana is the fruit par excellence that boosts your body.
It is not for nothing that top athletes consume it before exercise.
Especially at breakfast when they are fasting.
Its carbohydrate content and vitamins provide the energy the body needs to exercise.
But that's not all.
Rich in potassium and magnesium, this fruit reduces the risk of cramps while limiting fatigue after exercise.
Moreover, it allows a much faster muscle recovery.
And then, eating a yellow banana stalls us right away.
It is a fruit with a high nutritional density:it provides a lot of nutrients in a small volume.
And that's perfect for not snacking on unhealthy and less nutritious foods from morning to night.
If I tell you about tryptophan and dopamine, do you know what they are?
These are the magic ingredients that keep our brains feeling good and in a good mood.
And guess which fruit contains it? The banana of course.
It is not for nothing that we use the expression "to have the banana".
Tryptophan, which is transformed into serotonin, somehow gives the order to the brain to relax.
It gives a feeling of well being.
This fruit also contains a significant amount of vitamin B6 , or pyridoxine for the most knowledgeable.
This vitamin also helps to produce the famous serotonin and dopamine.
I will even go further.
Some studies have shown that vitamin B6 and tryptophan reduce the symptoms of depression !
So in case of slack, eat bananas.
The banana allows our microbiota to do better thanks to the resistant starches it contains.
That is to say, it allows good bacteria to grow inside our intestinal flora.
Result:our digestive system is repaired, regenerated and healthier.
This fruit is therefore excellent for people with transit problems.
Its effects on transit are even greater when eating unripe green bananas.
And then, vitamin B6 also does the job in the face of constipation.
So to find a good intestinal transit, especially eat bananas!
Ah yes, have no fear; this fruit can perfectly be part of your slimming diet.
Rich in fibre, minerals and resistant starch (a type of sugar), it is very filling.
This allows you not to throw yourself on foods that are real calorie bombs!
The banana is the natural anti-stress fruit par excellence.
Its magnesium and potassium content allows our nervous system to relax.
These substances even make it possible to reduce the pulse in the event of intense stress.
These substances are therefore really good for our personal balance.
And that's not all.
Potassium also promotes concentration, memorization and therefore learning.
In fact, this fruit oxygenates our brain.
Finally, in the same register, know that our super fruit fights hypertension .
Indeed, the minerals contained in bananas also limit cardiovascular diseases (stroke, myocardial infarction, etc.).
This study is formal:
Bananas provide a quantity of potassium that helps lower blood pressure.
Very rich in antioxidants, bananas prevent free radicals from destroying the cells of our body.
A little reminder of what are free radicals?
They are partly responsible for cell aging and certain cancers.
This study shows, for example, that eating this fruit regularly reduces the risk of kidney cancer.
Or this one that shows a decrease in colorectal cancers when you eat bananas.
Just remember that the banana effectively fights against free radicals.
And that's really good news for our organization.
Resistant starch, contained in quantity in unripe bananas, helps to reduce diabetes.
Indeed, resistant starch decreases the secretion of insulin and blood sugar, and not only in overweight people.
Well, that seems a bit complicated, but in the end, we'll remember one thing.
It is the richness in resistant starch, fiber and its antioxidant action that prevents and reduces the risk of diabetes.
People who eat this fruit control their blood sugar levels better.
Banana is an excellent source of iron.
It is therefore ideal for people suffering from chronic anemia.
This fruit in fact increases the production of hemoglobin in the blood.
If your examinations reveal an iron deficiency, this fruit must absolutely be part of the solutions to get better!
Are you prone to heartburn, or even more serious ulcers?
Well, the banana is a great ally to relieve you.
An antacid is naturally present in this fruit which greatly reduces intestinal burns.
When you are in pain, I even advise you to consume it immediately to soothe the pain.
It also brings another benefit.
That of protecting the stomach from hyperacidity and the resulting irritations.
As a result, it prevents the risk of ulcers over time.
As surprising as it may seem, the banana helps you to no longer be addicted to cigarettes.
You know why ? Because it contains vitamin B6.
And vitamin B6, combined with potassium and magnesium from bananas, helps you to be less dependent.
Indeed, we feel less the feeling of lack of nicotine.
And then, not to mention addiction, also know that this fruit helps you regain your senses in case of a hangover.
Simply swallow a porridge made from bananas and honey.
Banana has the power to calm the stomach while honey increases blood sugar levels.
The combination of these 2 things gets you back on your feet very quickly.
Have you been bitten by an insect and it makes you very itchy?
Well the banana relieves you of these unpleasant sensations.
Simply rub the inside of the skin over the blistered area and let it work.
The itching goes away no more than 5 minutes later.
And that's not all.
Our favorite fruit has another virtue that only our grandmothers know.
If you have a wart, place the inside of a ripe banana peel directly on it.
Tape with medical tape and repeat the operation several times.
The small emerging wart disappears easily (be careful, the remedy does not work on old warts).
Finally, speaking of benefits on the skin, did you know that a banana mask is perfect for moisturizing the face?
Look at this tip; she explains how to have hydrated and soft skin thanks to this fruit.
Bananas have a bad reputation that sticks to their skin.
It is said that it makes you fat, because it is too caloric, too sweet, or even difficult to digest.
It even seems that it should be consumed in moderation!
So, are there really any downsides to consuming it?
Well, I pushed my investigations, in particular with a nutritionist, to disentangle the true from the false.
The answer is clear and unanimous:BANANAS DO NOT MAKE YOU WEIGHT!
As with many foods, if you don't overdo it, there is no danger of gaining pounds.
So yes, it is more caloric than an apple (90 calories per 100 gr).
But as long as you don't eat 3 in a row, no problem.
Decidedly, the banana really has a lot of virtues and nutritional benefits.
There is no problem eating 1 banana every day.
This fruit provides the energy the body needs, including vitamins B6, B9, C...
Eat a banana to start the day off right and replenish your vitality!
At breakfast or at the 10 a.m. break, this is where the benefits of bananas are felt the most.
Because the body stores all the energy of this fruit without storing it, whether at the office or before playing sports.
Eating it in the morning is therefore particularly energizing.