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Brush your teeth well for good dental hygiene.

Brush your teeth well for good dental hygiene.

Brushing your teeth well is essential for good hygiene dental. Here are some tips for effective brushing.

The last time I brushed my teeth, I noticed bleeding from my gums . I thought it was not a big deal, yet it points to something more dubious:my dental hygiene . My gums bleed because the presence of certain bacteria lodged in my dental plaque affects them.

So how do you brush your teeth properly to avoid this?

1. The frequency of toothbrushing. To have dental hygiene Impeccable, brushing his teeth after each meal, ideally. If this is not always possible, you should try to do it in the morning and especially in the evening because it is during the night that bacteria and cavities have time to proliferate.

2. Which toothbrush to use? The ideal is to take a toothbrush with soft bristles . Soft bristles unlike hard bristles can better infiltrate between the teeth to wash them better. They also avoid unnecessarily bleeding your gums by their aggressiveness.

3. What method should you use to brush your teeth effectively? Never brush your teeth horizontally , except for the back of the teeth where you bring your brush back and forth to remove dirt hidden behind your teeth. Otherwise, always brush your teeth from top to bottom , or from the gum to the bottom of the tooth. Perform this movement for the upper jaw then the lower one, separately .

4. How long does effective brushing last? To have brushed your teeth properly, you have to brush them for three minutes.

Now you know how to properly brush your teeth. Also be aware that if your gums bleed, continue brushing. That means it's dental plaque which is not yet eliminated. It is she who is responsible for tartar, which promotes the accumulation of dental plaque by its granular surface. Do not hesitate to rub, it is necessarily a good idea.

Brush your teeth well for good dental hygiene.

Savings Achieved

Dental hygiene , it is learned and it is maintained. You will not spend much at the dentist if you apply these effective methods.

When you know the price of a consultation with the dentist , not to mention that we are often obliged to return there if we have something to treat, we very quickly want to turn back. Besides, who likes going to the dentist?

Proper brushing your teeth it is therefore to avoid the dentist, or even to pay for medicines to soothe your sore mouth. You also avoid the fear of having your teeth tickled and you save money on your overall budget, it's pretty smart isn't it?

And you, how do you brush your teeth properly? Share your experience in the comments.