Stress can cause stiff muscles. Many people suffer from it in their neck and shoulders, but also your jaws (sometimes unnoticed) endure a lot of tension.
Tense jaws are often caused by stress. Try to deal with your stress by taking enough time for yourself, exercise or walk, take care of yourself, go to bed on time…
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Also address underlying issues. You may be biting your jaw hard at night or experiencing teeth grinding. The dentist can measure you a picture if necessary.
Move your jaws as if you were chewing, but without food. Or open your mouth wide, as if you were yawning. These movements help to relax your jaw.
Your pelvis would connect with your jaws. It's worth a try, throw your hips loose.
Massage your face and gently the jaw muscles.
Do you constantly suffer from tense jaws? Inquire if there is a treatment. It often involves a combination of the dentist (who measures a picture, for example), a physiotherapist and sometimes a psychologist.