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This is how you organize your fridge in a healthier way

This is how you organize your fridge in a healthier way

Make sure your fridge helps you make healthier choices. We give five tips that you can use immediately.

1. Provide ready-to-eat healthy snacks
Cut vegetables such as cucumber, bell pepper, carrots and celery into thin strips. Store them in clear containers in the fridge so you can see them quickly. You can dip the vegetable sticks in hummus or Greek yogurt with herbs.

2. Make a smart layout
In the supermarket, the most expensive products are at eye level. That is not for nothing; the products at eye level end up in your car faster. See the art and put the healthiest products in the fridge at eye level. Preferably put them in the front too.

3. Take into account the temperature in the refrigerator The following applies to almost every refrigerator:the higher the shelf, the higher the temperature. Therefore, keep meat, fish and poultry on the bottom shelf. This is also the best place to put your left-overs. The top shelf can be used for cheese, butter and sauces. You can store dairy products and spreads on the shelves in the middle. Because the door of the refrigerator is often opened, the temperature is also a bit higher in this place. Keep that in mind more.

4. Save the leftovers
It's a shame to throw away leftovers. Store them in measured portions in small containers. Not planning to use up the leftovers the next day? Then freeze them. You can simply freeze these 10 products.

5. Make your own soft drink
Place the soda bottles further back, or exchange them for homemade 'soda'. Fill a water pitcher with water and add lemon slices and/or herbs and other fruits for a fresh taste.