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What can you do with apple cider vinegar?

What can you do with apple cider vinegar?

Do you already have apple cider vinegar in your kitchen cupboard? This is not only a great seasoning, it is also very healthy and a smart beauty tool!

A fat killer

Japanese scientists showed that apple cider vinegar can be effective in weight loss. They discovered that acetic acid stimulates fat burning and can prevent fat storage.

Read also: ’12 reasons to eat grapefruit’

Short Slip Fighter

Can you feel a cold sore coming on? Apply some apple cider vinegar to the tingling area with a cotton swab. Apple cider vinegar acts as an antiviral agent that can prevent an outbreak. Do you already have a cold sore? Then apple cider vinegar helps to dry out the blisters and kills bacteria.

Good for your intestinal flora

Apple cider vinegar is full of good bacteria and these have a positive effect on your gut. They reduce intestinal cramps, bloating and gas.

Against fungal nails

The enzymes in apple cider vinegar can reduce fungal nails. Apply a drop of apple cider vinegar to your fungal nails every day for a week. You will see a difference after a few days!

Soft and clean skin

Apple cider vinegar is purifying thanks to its antibacterial properties. This way you can easily remove impurities from your skin. Mix some apple cider vinegar with water, apply to a cotton pad and pat your face more clean.

Against itching

The acid in the vinegar helps with itching. Dilute a dash of vinegar with water and apply to eczema or a mosquito bite.

As a conditioner

Apple cider vinegar acts as a natural conditioner. It makes your hair shine and makes it wonderfully soft. Fill an empty shampoo bottle with water and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply after your shampoo and rinse well.

After a day of sunbathing

Spent too long in the sun without applying a protective factor? Soothe your sunburnt skin with apple cider vinegar by adding a cup of vinegar to your bath water.

If you have bad breath

Bacteria in your mouth can cause bad breath. Apple cider vinegar is bactericidal and therefore easily reduces the bad smell.


Never take apple cider vinegar neat. It has too much acidity for your stomach and esophagus. Therefore, always dilute it with water.

Source:Santé November 2016 Text: Mara Ruijter