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What can CBD oil help you with?

It has been two years since I wrote an article about pain management in cancer. Born out of my frustration because of the enormous back pain my father had at the time due to a tumor in his lungs. He couldn't take the pain anymore. I was at a crossroads as an intermediary for all the doctors and my father. Whether or not to look for alternatives for pain relief in the form of using CBD oil and other variants. In the meantime, as you know, my father has passed away, but the jar with the CBD oil is still here. I rediscovered it in the fridge and remembered that I never said we used this again. And how that went.

Use CBD oil for pain, stress or inflammation

I indicated at the time that my father's GP was an advocate of this type of pain relief. His approach was 'if it doesn't bathe, it doesn't harm'. And if you don't have to be in pain by using this stuff, that's only a plus. I agree with him. Knowing that I did just about everything I could to help my father, I can still get angry for letting the hospital pain clinic run for too long. The pain specialist was of the opinion that this oil would have no effect and kept on offering alternatives that did nothing for my father.

However, we were also a bit hesitant about using the CBD oil. I come from a 'good' family and the term weed had a certain meaning to us and we had no experience with it ourselves. It turns out, because I now know that CBD oil and weed are not the same. At one point a friend of mine told me about their positive experiences. She and her husband are completely enthusiastic about this drug, especially as a form of pain relief or inflammation relief.

In consultation with the specialists and my father

From that moment on I listened to the pain specialist at the hospital, but we also went our own way. In consultation with my father's GP. Normally you do not necessarily need to consult your doctor before using CBD oil, because you can also buy CBD oil without a prescription. But because my father was of course also on other medicines and pain relief, I thought it was smarter to spar about this. In addition, my father was of the old school, so just the word 'weed' got him on the shelf, haha. Confirmation from the GP was therefore important to him.

The pain was unbearable and because the known medication couldn't help him, he gave in. Only then did the bottle of oil come out of the fridge. We started very carefully with one drop at a time under the tongue. Simply because we had no idea of ​​the effects the oil would have on my father. And since he was already quite weakened, I was also afraid that it would fall 'hard'. The latter was a bit difficult to determine because my father also received other medication.

In addition, it is important that you build up the use of the CBD oil slowly and not increase it too quickly. That way you can keep a better eye on what it does for you. Very difficult, by the way, when you see your father in so much pain to calmly build up. I also think we built it up, which we did quickly because at one point my father seemed to get a bit out of hand. From that moment on we switched back a bit, so that the confusion disappeared again.

In the end, we were able to conclude that the use of the CBD oil contributed to a more relaxed situation in terms of pain. Unfortunately, the pain never completely disappeared, but it did become more bearable.

Are you considering using CBD oil?

So now I know that you can use the CBD oil as a pain relief. But you can also use the oil at other times, such as at:

  • stress and anxiety
  • chronic pains
  • Ignitions
  • sleeping problems
  • Fibromyalgia (Alka tea also helps well against this, you can buy it here
  • migraine

If you want to start using CBD oil, I would advise you to get yourself well informed. This does not necessarily have to be done by a GP, but of course it never hurts. In any case, be informed by a seller of the product. There are different percentages in circulation and it is always wise to discuss what might be the most suitable variant for you and whether it is better to use one of the other CBD products. In addition, make sure that you go for a quality product that is 100% natural and has no synthetic additives. Also, don't forget that you build up its use at a slow pace. I hope it benefits you – just like my father did ♥.