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Say goodbye to your bags under these tips!

Say goodbye to your bags under these tips!

"How tired do you look, are you sleeping enough?" Bags under your eyes are definitely not a plus for a fresh look. Do you often suffer from it? You can do this.

How are bags formed?

Puffiness can develop if the fluid balance under your eyes is out of balance, such as with an allergy or after a cry. Your age also plays a part. As you age, the connective tissue under your eyes weakens. This makes it easier for moisture to accumulate. Poor sleep, eating too much salt, smoking and drinking alcohol can worsen your bags. In addition to damp walls, there are also fat walls, which are largely genetically determined. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about these walls yourself.

Read also: '7 possible causes of red eyes'


There are several liniments that can temporarily make bags disappear. An eye cream with caffeine has a diuretic effect and makes bags less visible. Eye creams with hyaluronic acid are also suitable. Hyaluronic acid fills in wrinkles around the eyes, making puffiness less visible.

How to do it:

Test the cream on a small area of ​​skin first to see how you react to it. Lubricate with one eye cream. If you start using creams together, your skin will become more sensitive and drier. Put some cream on your ring finger, with this finger you give just enough force to dab the cream into the skin. Pat from the inside out and apply in the morning and/or evening.

Cool down

Vasoconstriction is the medical term for vasoconstriction. You can achieve this by treating the bags with cold. Cold causes the blood vessels in the skin to contract. The moisture in the skin is then drained faster, so that the swelling decreases and your bags disappear. Unfortunately, the effect is only temporary. You are puffiness free for about fifteen minutes to half an hour. As soon as the cold has passed, the bags under the eyes will return.

This is how you do it

There are several methods. For example, the well-known cucumber slices work well, provided they are well cooled. Place the slices on your bags under your eyes for ten minutes. Or wrap an ice cube in foil and dab it under your eyes for about five minutes.


A lymph-draining massage can also help. This massage improves the lymphatic circulation in your body and ensures that fluids and waste products are removed faster, so that your bags can be reduced. You can have a massage at a beautician, but you can also easily perform this fine, soft massage yourself. It is important to work from the inside out, so from your nose towards your ears. When you do it the other way around, the fluid ends up at your nose and there are fewer lymphatics there that can drain fluid.

This is how you do it

Start massaging under the inside of your eyes. Slowly press your ring finger on the wall and hold for about six seconds, moving a little at a time, until you're just below the outer corner of your eye. Repeat this five times.


With camouflage you can quickly and easily cover up your bags. Try a camouflage that is slightly lighter than your face. This ensures light reflection, so that the bags under the eyes are less noticeable and you look fresher.

This is how you do it

For example, clean the skin around your eyes with micellar water. Then use a day cream. Let it retract properly. Then put a little foundation or concealer on your ring fingertip and dab it on the wall. Do not apply the foundation rubbing, because this way you rub the color away and your skin turns red, making the bags more visible.

Source:Santé September 2016 Text:Whitley Follower