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How do you get a sleeping foot or hand?

How do you get a sleeping foot or hand?

A pretty irritating feeling:a sleeping foot or hand. Or worse, a whole leg! How do you get it and how can you get rid of it quickly?

How cozy was the afternoon on the terrace, but how annoying is that sleeping foot when you get up from your chair? Or you wait patiently for the bus, but when it comes, your leg appears to have fallen asleep. Wait for me!

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This is how it is created

A little tingling or very numb, little feeling in arm/leg/hand and it can itch if you try to 'shake it off'. A sleeping limb. Everyone has it sometimes. It is usually caused by a temporary compression of the nerves or the bloodstream. Exactly, if you cross your legs to your new love interest leaned over during that dinner in town, for example. Also if you sit on the toilet longer or fold your foot under your buttocks, a sleeping foot or sleeping leg can be the result. In short:it has a lot to do with your attitude.


With a sleeping foot you may have the tendency to step on it, with the idea of ​​​​letting some blood flow that way again. Yet this is unwise. On the one hand, because your body and mind have a tiny imbalance:your foot feels like it's not there. This can make you dizzy. On the other hand, because you can just fall when the foot is still sleeping sharply. Your whole leg gives way, as it were, because the muscles temporarily do not work properly due to that limited blood supply. It's best to just wait quietly.


There are also people who suffer more than average or even constantly from sleeping feet, legs or hands. Then there could be something else behind it. This is a good idea to have it checked and determined by a doctor. One thing is certain:smoking only promotes it. But you probably already realized that smoking is not very healthy anyway.