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What can you do to prevent tinnitus?

What can you do to prevent tinnitus?

Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) is becoming more common. By properly protecting your ears in certain situations, you can prevent tinnitus.

Sometimes you hear a beep in your ear after a party. Even that is a sign that your ears have been exposed to too much noise.

Did you know that…
1 in 10 young people always have a ringing or ringing in their ears. Five years ago, only 5 percent had tinnitus. Worrying numbers, because at this rate more and more young people are suffering from tinnitus.

Tinnitus can impact your daily life. For example, because you can no longer concentrate. In this clip you get an idea of ​​what ringing in the ears sounds like.

1. Wear earplugs if there is a lot of ambient noise
Protecting your ears from loud noise is the most important thing to prevent tinnitus. You should wear earplugs during a festival or concert. There are many types of earplugs on the market today. Do you use them regularly? Then it might be an idea to have them made to measure.

2. Do not stand near the speakers
Do not stand directly in front of the speakers during a concert or festival. Standing near the speakers is not a good idea for your ears.

3. Don't turn your music too loud
Many phones nowadays indicate when the music is too loud. Heed this warning, or if your device doesn't warn you, think about it for yourself. Your ears adapt to the sound they hear. If you turn the music down a bit, your ears will get used to it and it will eventually sound less soft than you initially think.

4. Beware of infections Tinnitus can develop after an ear infection. Make sure you keep your earplugs clean. Do you suffer from too much earwax? It is better to have your ears cleaned at the doctor's office than to try home, garden and kitchen tips yourself.

Do you suffer from tinnitus? With the patient tool you can find more information about what you can do, the treatment and more.