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Bingewatching makes you sleep worse?

Bingewatching makes you sleep worse?

According to research, there is a chance.

The University of Leuven conducted research among 423 young people between the ages of 18 and 25. The young adults were questioned about their viewing behavior when it comes to series and the quality of their sleep.

Bingewatch:Watch multiple episodes of the same series in succession.

The numbers
Eight in ten binge watch regularly and twenty percent even do so several times a week. One in three binge watchers sleeps worse than peers who don't watch multiple episodes in a row.

Insomnia Series episodes often end with a cliffhanger, making it tempting to watch another episode even though you intended to go to sleep. Yet the problem does not seem to lie with the number of hours you sleep. The quality of the night's sleep of binge watchers is less good.

The advice?
Less binge watch. Fortunately, more realistic advice is also given:do not go to sleep immediately after your series marathon, but first relax for half an hour.