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A happy partner makes you healthier

A happy partner makes you healthier

Is your partner happy? That also makes you happier and healthier. And vice versa, you also make it healthier if you are happy.

The study followed nearly 2,000 couples for six years. Those who are with a happy and positive person are 34 percent more likely to be healthy than those whose partner is a pessimist.

Do you have a happy partner? If your partner is happy, there is a good chance that you exercise more often, are healthier and have fewer physical ailments. According to the researchers, there are a number of reasons for this:a happy partner has enough energy to make you feel good, too. He/she probably has a healthy lifestyle and a good mood, and that positive vibe is transferred to the environment.

To throw in a cliché:happiness multiplies when you share it. And apparently it also makes you healthier, which is a nice bonus.