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Tips for earache on the plane

Tips for earache on the plane

Do you suffer from earache on the plane? You can reduce earaches with these tips.

Good question: What actually causes earaches while flying?

1. Wear earplugs
For many people, earplugs are an efficient solution for earaches on the plane. There are special air pressure regulating earplugs, but you can also use 'normal' earplugs.

2. Use nasal spray
Nasal spray with xylometazoline causes your mucous membranes to shrink and therefore there is a little less pressure on your ears. Use the nasal spray one hour before takeoff and one hour before landing.

3. Yawn When your mouth moves, the Eustachian tube also moves, making it easier for pressure to escape. Yawning works, or force a yawn after a long flight.

4. Move your mouth Smaller movements of your mouth also help to release the pressure as quickly as possible. Therefore, chew chewing gum or another candy.

5. Pinch your nose and blow
Do your ears close slowly? Then pinch your nose, keep your mouth shut and pretend to blow out.

6. Plastic cups over your ears
Cover your ears with plastic cups, possibly filled with cotton wool.

If you still have earache half a day after the flight, consult a doctor.

Do you like to keep moving when you're on a plane? You can do these 8 exercises on an airplane.