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5 facts about blinking

5 facts about blinking

To keep your eyes moist, or does blinking have another function?

  1. It is estimated that we blink around 20,000 times a day. Each blink lasts about two-tenths of a second. So, of the time you are awake, you have your eyes closed about 10 percent of the time.
  2. Women are said to blink more often than men. However, opinions are divided on this fact. Furthermore, people with light eyes blink more often than people with dark eyes.
  3. Blinking is done, among other things, to keep your eyes moist and to protect them from dirt.
  4. Certain emotions can make you blink more often. Someone who is nervous or in love blinks more often.
  5. A study shows that blinking is probably not just to keep your eyes moist. We blink more than necessary to keep our eyes moist enough. Blinking would be like a very short nap for your brain. When your eyes are closed, the brain functions differently, whether that's because you're sleeping or blinking. It is therefore possible that blinking also has a neurological function.

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