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Is Apple Cider Vinegar the New Kombucha?

Is Apple Cider Vinegar the New Kombucha?

Nutritionist and guest blogger Anita Mulderij about apple cider vinegar and kombucha.

Anita Mulderij: 'When it comes to your gut, one thing is now clear:the diversity of gut bacteria is important. You may already know kombucha. A fermented tea that has a purifying effect on our micro-organism, but it is always important to vary it.

Believe it or not, it's a lot tastier than it sounds. Especially when you combine apple cider vinegar with the right herbs, spices and fruit. It also gives your intestinal flora a boost. Need some more convincing? Then read on quickly.

Why is apple cider vinegar good for you?
Apple cider vinegar is a fermented by-product of apple juice. It is both a prebiotic and a probiotic. This means that it not only provides the intestines with the necessary bacteria (live microbiological food supplement), but also the right nutrition (non-digestible nutrients). The acid in apple cider vinegar binds to the toxins in our body and helps your liver get rid of them. In addition, it gives your immune system and energy a boost.

This is how you make drinkable apple cider vinegar yourself For a delicious, drinkable apple cider vinegar, it is best to stick to the following proportions:one part fruit and one part apple cider vinegar, both the same size. Follow the steps below and you'll have a delicious, drinkable apple cider vinegar in no time:

1. Put some fruit in a bowl with a combination of herbs and spices you like. Let stand for five to six hours.
2. Mash the fruit with the herbs to get as much juice as possible.
3. Put the juice in a clean glass or jar.
4. Then mix this substance well with the apple cider vinegar part.
5. Keep the drink in the fridge for about five hours, preferably airtight.
You can always add some (sparkling) water to taste before drinking. And your apple cider vinegar drink is ready.

Other alternatives
Have you actually hoped you could try the drink tonight? Not in the mood (or time) at all to wait another week? There are countless variants that you can buy ready-made. In any case, make sure that the apple cider vinegar in your drink is always cold-pressed. It doesn't hurt to go for an organic variant. For example, choose the ones you can find in the organic store. Avoid edited variants with a lot of additions.'

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Text:Anita Mulderij | Image:Shutterstock