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The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food into energy.

When we diet, there are times when our weight loss plateaus.

It then becomes difficult to continue to lose more weight. So the solution is to increase the metabolism.

But how do you boost your metabolism and shed those extra pounds?

In this article, you'll learn the 14 things you should eat and drink to increase your metabolism and lose weight more easily:

1. Branched chain amino acids

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

The branched-chain amino acids can help repair and increase muscle mass — without going to the gym!

Did you know that muscle burns 3 times more calories than fat? That's why you have to think about building muscle when you want to increase your metabolism.

Branched chain amino acids can help your body repair and increase muscle mass.

Branched chain amino acids come in powder or capsule form. You can find it in organic stores. Otherwise, you can buy it online here.

Here's how to reap the benefits of branched chain amino acids:For breakfast, add 1000mg of powder to your smoothie or fruit juice.

But be careful:consult your doctor before taking food supplements.

To discover our multivitamin smoothie recipe, click here.

2. Greek yogurt with squeezed lemon juice

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Certainly, it is a mixture with a pronounced taste. But if you combine these 2 foods, they help you start your day by acting on your metabolism.

Vitamin C lemon helps the body better absorb calcium yogurt. It is the calcium which, in turn, will radically increase your metabolism.

3. Sage herbal tea

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Sage leaves help the body transport sugar from the blood to the cells. This sends a signal to the body to start turning nutrients into energy.

So just one small cup of sage tea with your breakfast can help your metabolism throughout the day.

Sage tea is easily found in organic stores or at an herbalist. Otherwise, you can buy it online here.

4. White bean extract

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Do you like to eat sweets? Did you know that every time you eat sugar, it raises blood sugar levels? Therefore, the fat is stored instead of being burned.

White bean extract prevents the body from converting carbohydrates into sugars. It also prevents the process by which sugars are stored as fats.

Here's how to take advantage of the beneficial properties of white kidney bean extract:Take 500 mg once a day. Of course, the ideal is to take it before meals rich in carbohydrates.

White kidney bean extract can be found in health food stores. Otherwise, you can buy it online here.

But be careful:consult your doctor before taking food supplements.

5. Chilli

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

The active component of chili is capsaicin . It is this chemical component that gives the pepper its distinctive taste and burning sensation.

However, capsaicin increases your body temperature. Therefore, it can also spoil your appetite.

To fight fat, take advantage of the properties of chili. Try to incorporate chilli as much as possible into your dishes. It exists in several forms:Espelette pepper, Cayenne pepper, Tabasco sauce, etc.

6. Vinegar

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Incorporating vinegar into your diet has several benefits.

Vinegar is known to slow the absorption of carbohydrates. In addition, it prevents blood sugar spikes.

Finally, vinegar slows the passage of food through your digestive tract. This prolongs feelings of fullness — the feeling you get when you've eaten well.

7. Ice water

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

When you drink ice water, the body is forced to burn calories to regain an optimal body temperature.

Drinking 8 glasses of ice water a day can burn up to 70 calories!

In addition, a glass of ice water before a meal also increases the feeling of satiety. This reduces the likelihood of overeating during your meals.

8. Black pepper

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Black pepper contains piperine . This pungent-tasting alkaloid increases metabolism significantly.

Instead of salting your dishes, try peppering them instead. This has two advantages. On the one hand, you increase your metabolism. On the other hand, you reduce your sodium intake (your arteries will thank you).

And, to boost the benefits of black pepper to your metabolism, add it to tomato juice.

Tomato juice is high in lycopene . This pigment is an antioxidant that protects the mitochondria (the cells' energy reservoirs).

9. Oolong tea

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Oolong tea contains polyphenols . These organic molecules block fat-generating enzymes.

Studies indicate that drinking a cup of Oolong tea can increase metabolism for several hours.

Oolong tea is also an incompletely oxidized tea — meaning it's low in caffeine. Therefore, replacing your usual tea (or coffee) with Oolong tea can avoid caffeine overload.

You can easily find Oolong tea in organic stores. Otherwise, you can buy it online here.

10. Papaya

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Papaya contains papain . This enzyme promotes the digestion and absorption of protein — a process that increases metabolism and burns fat.

To introduce papaya into your diet, here is a delicious recipe:papaya and avocado salad.


- 1 avocado

- 1 papaya

- 1 lime

- 60 ml of olive oil

- 1 pinch of salt, 1 pinch of pepper


1. Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Then, cut the flesh into 1.5 cm cubes.

2. Do the same for the papaya. Place all the pieces in a small salad bowl.

3. Prepare the vinaigrette:mix the olive oil, squeezed lime, salt and pepper.

4. Spoon the dressing over the salad. Serve immediately.

11. Matcha green tea

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Originally from Japan, matcha is a very fine powder of ground green tea. This tea contains a variety of polyphenols that increase metabolism:epigallocatechin gallate .

Matcha is different from other green teas because it is not leaves that are steeped in hot water. In powder form, this tea dissolves completely in water.

When you drink matcha, you also ingest the tea leaves — along with all of their beneficial components.

Matcha green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is advisable to drink it cold:cold drinks force the body to burn more calories.

To increase metabolism, try drinking 3 cups of matcha green tea a day.

You can easily find matcha green tea in organic stores. Otherwise, you can buy it online here.

12. Cocoa nibs

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Nibs are cocoa nibs that have been roasted and then crushed. Chocolate is made with nibs.

Nibs are full of polyphenols . The anti-inflammatory properties of these molecules eliminate fat (unlike the refined sugars in chocolate bars).

Cocoa nibs are not easy to find. You can sometimes find them in specialized pastry shops. Otherwise, you can buy it online here.

13. Wasabi peas

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Do you often eat crackers? Instead of opening a packet of crisps, try wasabi peas instead.

The pungent taste of wasabi will warm your body and boost your metabolism. Similarly, the fibers of peas have a satiating effect.

Wasabi peas can be found in almost every supermarket. Otherwise, you can buy it online here.

14. Ginger

The 14 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

Here's an easy meal idea that increases your metabolism:

Cut fresh ginger into thin slices. Then sauté it with vegetables in a pan.

Basically, ginger is known to aid digestion. But it also increases the rate of metabolism after a meal — up to 20%!

Here you have discovered 14 foods that increase your metabolism. :-)

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