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Tip from Marianne Timmer:Quitting sugar

Tip from Marianne Timmer:Quitting sugar

Santé is a co-subsponsor of Team Continu:the skating team led by Marianne Timmer. Today Marianne Timmer shares tips to eat less sugar.

Marianne: Avoiding sugar as much as possible is easier said than done. But it is healthy to consume less sugar. Many soft drinks contain a lot of sugar. Drinking more water is therefore a very good idea. It automatically makes you drink more.

Candy and cake are really addictive. The only way to stop or cut down, depending on how hard you want to be on yourself, is just don't do it. It really is that addictive. Your mindset is whether or not you can resist the will of temptation. That already starts in the store:don't take sweets and sugary products home with you.

Going outside and exercising that also works against the feeling of hunger. Your muscles then demand all the attention and your hunger is satisfied.'