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Tip from Marianne Timmer:Fiber and Carbohydrates

Tip from Marianne Timmer:Fiber and Carbohydrates

Santé is a co-subsponsor of Team Continu:the skating team led by Marianne Timmer. Marianne shares a tip every day to keep fit with Santé.

Marianne: 'Dietary fiber is an important nutrient that ensures proper intestinal function. It is the collective name for some substances that are in the cell wall of plants. Dietary fiber is therefore only found in vegetable products.

There are two types of dietary fiber
There are water-soluble fiber and water-insoluble fiber. Fruit, vegetables and legumes mainly contain soluble fiber. These have a beneficial effect on bowel movements. Soluble fiber also has a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol and glucose levels. They are mainly found in whole grain products.

What foods contain fiber?
Most fiber is removed during food processing such as hulling rice and grinding grain into flour. That is why it is important that you eat enough wholemeal bread, brown bread, rye bread, potatoes, (brown) rice and (whole wheat) pasta. Legumes such as brown and white beans, broad beans and peas also contain fiber.
Carbohydrates provide, in addition to proteins and fats, the energy that our body needs to function. Athletes often need more carbohydrates because their bodies use more energy. It is important to find a good balance between what you need on a daily basis and what you consume.

A woman needs on average per day:
• From 15 to 20 years:2450 kcal
• From 20 to 23 years:2200 kcal
• From 23 to 50 years:2050 kcal
• From 50 to 65 years:1950 kcal
• 65 years and older:1850 kcal

Did you know that…

  • We need 200 grams of carbohydrates daily to provide the brain, nerves and red blood cells with energy.
  • One kilogram of body fat corresponds approximately to 7000 kcal. So if you eat 1000 kcal less per day than you use in energy, you could lose 1 kilo in a week.'

Missed tip? Read all the tips from Marianne Timmer.