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Tip from Marianne Timmer:Cooking at home

Tip from Marianne Timmer:Cooking at home

Santé is a co-subsponsor of Team Continu:the skating team led by Marianne Timmer. Marianne shares a tip every day to keep fit with Santé. Today Marianne talks about cooking at home.

Marianne: 'Skating is my job, my hobby, my passion, but I also love to cook. It's a form of relaxation for me. At home I also have a beautiful cooking island at my disposal, which makes it extra fun for me to prepare a meal.

A healthy diet is important to recover better from training. Of course, sometimes unhealthy food is also eaten. Nothing human is alien to us. A potato, a glass of wine, candy, snacks:who wouldn't like that?

Once in a while it can't hurt, but you shouldn't do it too often. My body fat percentage fluctuates around 22%, which is average for a woman my age. With a lower percentage I feel less fit. In the winter months I am more toned than in the summer. I see this especially in my legs:they are considerably thicker in the summer. But when the first races of the winter are approaching and my body is race-ready, they will be back to the way they should be.”

Missed a tip? Read all the tips from Marianne Timmer.