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Tip from Marianne Timmer:Tips not to eat too much

Tip from Marianne Timmer:Tips not to eat too much

Santé is a co-subsponsor of Team Continu:the skating team led by Marianne Timmer. Marianne shares a tip every day to stay fit with Santé.

Marianne :'How do you make sure you don't eat too much?

1. Drink two glasses of water before eating
When you drink water, you feel more full. You will then eat too much less quickly and the chance that you will ingest too many calories is smaller.

2. Adjust your menu to how active you are on that day For example, on a less active day, eat a salad. Are you more active? Then you can opt for a heavier meal. Or treat yourself with a little something extra, such as dessert or wine. You deserve it and it tastes even better!

3. When the food really starts to taste good:stop
You prevent the overfull 'tummy too full' feeling.

4. Eat warm in the afternoon
Eat a sandwich or healthy snacks at noon and in the evening. You don't have a huge meal to digest before going to sleep. In the afternoon you often still have a lot to do and you have eaten a full meal that will still be burned.'

Missed tip? Read all the tips from Marianne Timmer.