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6 moves to massage your ears

6 moves to massage your ears

Your ears are an erogenous zone. Because your ears are so sensitive, a massage can be very pleasant and relaxing. Massage your ears with these tips.

Why should you massage your ears?

1. Fold your ear in half
Place your fingers behind your ears and fold your ear in half towards your cheek. Release and repeat the movement several times. Then grab your ear between your thumb and index finger and fold it horizontally. Repeat this several times.

2. Pressure and suction movement
Place your palm over your ear and press on your ear so that you feel the pressure and suction.

3. Pull your auricle
Grab the top of your ear between your thumb and index finger and pull gently on your ear. Move your fingers down a little at a time and pull gently each time until you are at the bottom of your ear.

4. Massage your earlobe
Grab your earlobe between your thumb and index finger and gently press or rub.

5. Drum along the pinna
Drum your fingertips simultaneously along the front and back of your auricle.

6. Massage next to your ears
Make a V between your fingers and place both fingers on one side of the ear. Rub up and down.