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Tips to keep your blood sugar stable

Tips to keep your blood sugar stable

What about your blood sugar level and how do you keep it stable during the day?

What is your blood sugar level? The blood sugar level indicates the amount of glucose in your blood. A stable blood sugar level is approximately between 4 and 6 millimoles per liter of blood. During the day, the value of your blood sugar level changes. Just before eating, the value is generally a bit lower, while it peaks after eating due to the glucose that enters your blood. The glucose moves through your bloodstream to the cells that need energy. Your body makes insulin to keep the process running efficiently. Excess energy is converted into body fat, as a possible reserve for later.

Why is it good to keep your blood sugar stable? High peaks in particular cause more insulin production and a large amount of it can be bad for your health. And the reserves are often stored near your stomach, which is also not good for your health. From 7 millimoles of glucose in the blood, there is diabetes. You run a higher risk of this if your blood sugar level fluctuates a lot.

1. Move enough
Move at least half an hour a day.

2. Choose foods with a low glycemic index as much as possible
Products with a high glycemic index – such as biscuits, cakes, candy and chips, canned and potted vegetables, sauces and crackers – contain fast sugars, which are quickly converted into glucose in the body. This causes your blood sugar level to skyrocket. As a result, the pancreas works harder to produce more insulin to absorb the sugars into the cells. After the rush, your pancreas still works, so that your blood sugar drops too far and you more easily reach for fast sugars. This disturbed rhythm (also called hypoglycemia) can lead to diabetes in the long term. What do you have to do to break that pattern?

Good choices:eat foods that keep your blood sugar low
* Carbohydrates → quinoa, brown rice, oat bran, wholemeal bread and pasta and rye bread.
* Dairy → skimmed milk, soy milk and natural 0% fat yogurt.
* Protein → eggs, fresh fish, skinless chicken, lean red meat and tofu.
* Nuts and seeds
* Fruit → everything, except fruits listed under DO NOT.
* Vegetables → everything, except potatoes . Opt for beets, raw carrots and sweet potatoes.
* Oil → cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil.

Less good choices:eat foods that quickly raise your blood sugar level
* White → bread, pasta, rice, flour, biscuits and sweets.
* Dairy → butter, whole milk and yogurt.
* Breakfast → cereal with cornflakes, muesli or cereals and dried fruit .
* Fruit → dried fruit, juices, pineapple, mango, banana and melon.
* Drink → beer, wine, mixed drinks, carbonated drinks and fruit juices.
* Sugar → sucrose (regular white sugar), honey, jam, chocolate, ice cream and chips.

Read also about glycemic load.

3. De-stress
Stress isn't good for your body, so it probably doesn't come as a surprise that it also affects your blood sugar levels. The cortisol and adrenaline will confuse your insulin production.

4. Spread your eating moment throughout the day