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How to keep your nerves under control

Everyone is nervous sometimes. However, those nerves can sometimes get in the way. In this article we share three tips that you can easily apply.

Write down fears Nerves often arise when something important needs to be done. Think of a test, presentation at work or a driving test. These are all moments in which your performance, knowledge and experience play a major role. As a result, you (unconsciously) put a lot of pressure on yourself, making it difficult to remain calm and calm. That pressure is often unnecessary.

So write down all your negative thoughts. No matter how big or small they are. You will see that there is a solution for every fear. Because how bad is it if you don't pass that test, for example? You can probably do a resit or make an extra assignment to straighten out your average. By writing down your thoughts, you become less overwhelmed and it is easier to put thoughts of doom into perspective.

Prepare well
A good start is half done. So make sure you are prepared. Make a clear plan in advance that contains all the steps you need to take. Do you have an important meeting planned? Give yourself time to prepare it. Think about what you want to get out of the conversation, write down important points and practice the conversation with a family member and/or friend.

Do you know that you are easily anxious? A tool, such as cbd oil, can help you reduce tension. Scientific research shows that CBD oil can reduce anxiety by 5%. Learn from situations that made you anxious. What things can you take with you for next time? For example, if you often get stuck, remember that you don't have to immediately give a catchy response. You can always come back to something.

Mindfulness exercises
Anxieties can also arise with good preparation and reflection. After all, fear is inevitable. So try not to be afraid of the fear itself. You will learn this if you immerse yourself in mindfulness and do some exercises. The best known – and the easiest – way is to do breathing exercises. Here you only focus on your breathing instead of on negative thoughts.

Do you find it difficult to do breathing exercises? Then try this next exercise. Cross your hands on your chest and breathe in and out slowly. Bring your attention to the warmth of your hands and feel how warm they become. With this exercise you are not intensively involved with how you breathe, but especially with awareness. Try doing this exercise while the nerves kick in. You will find that it helps! For more information visit