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Tips against motion sickness

Tips against motion sickness

Are you taking a break this autumn? With these tips you prevent carsick children in the back seat.

What makes you carsick?
When you are in the car, your eyes register a lot of movement, while your body does not move. Your vestibular system gets confused as a result and that can cause complaints. Nausea and headaches are the most common, but they can also make you sweat or vomit. Children are more often carsick than adults, because their vestibular system is not yet fully developed.

Make sure you are well equipped beforehand. Do not eat too heavy meals and try to avoid fatty foods, carbonated drinks and milk.

There are various medicines for motion sickness. Make sure you take them on time.

In the car
To limit motion sickness, it is important to move as little as possible. For many people, the best seat is in the front of the car. Preferably look out the window at a quiet spot. Reading or gaming in the car is not a good idea. Tip:In case of seasickness it helps to sit next to others or to put a bag next to you.

Take regular breaks and provide plenty of fresh air. Try to sleep a lot on the way, this will make you less nauseous.

Source:Allianz Global Assistance | Image:Shutterstock