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5 million babies thanks to IVF

5 million babies thanks to IVF

It is still not talked about openly by everyone, but since IVF was introduced in 1978, 5 million babies have been conceived worldwide thanks to this technique.

Things are moving fast, especially in recent years. Half of all IVF babies were born after 2007. Between 1978 and 1990, about 20 babies a day were born thanks to IVF. The technique was expensive and not yet well known. Between 1990 and 2000 that was already more than 220 babies a day.

Success rate
All in all, the numbers are very positive. However, you should not wait too long with IVF, because your chances of successful conception decrease every year:

Are you under 35 years old? Then you have a chance of 32 percent.
35 – 37 years:28 percent
38 – 39 years:21 percent
40 – 42 years:14 percent