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We want to lose weight but don't leave guilty pleasures

We want to lose weight but don t leave guilty pleasures

No fewer than 7 out of 10 Dutch people intend to lose weight in 2020, but 71 percent do not intend to give up guilty pleasures such as a bag of chips, soda or a glass of wine…

Wouldn't it be difficult to lose weight? Or does a guilty pleasure make it easier to stick to?

As many as 1 in 3 indicate that they sin several times a week by eating unhealthily, more or more often than planned. 71 percent consider guilty pleasures an important part of their happiness in life.

Read also: '7 tips to snack less'

Favorite guilty pleasures

If we give in to a guilty pleasure, we go for a bag of chips in front of the television in the evening. Second favorite is a glass of wine with dinner and a can of soft drink ends in third place.

“Fortunately, you don't have to deny yourself everything to keep your New Year's resolutions. It is important to look at an approach that suits your lifestyle”, explains Olivier De Greve, CEO of WW Benelux. “We recommend a combination of healthy food, exercise and a positive mindset. The mijnWW program provides advice, recipes and challenges in these three areas. There is also room for guilty pleasures. It is important that you do not get the feeling that you have to give up everything. A healthy lifestyle in combination with a glass of wine or a bag of chips? That is perfectly possible!”

The survey was conducted among 1,000 Dutch people between the ages of 18 and 79.

Source:WW Benelux