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Menopausal complaint can also be heart complaint

Menopausal complaint can also be heart complaint

Suffering from menopausal symptoms? Be careful! These can also be heart complaints.

Women don't regularly take heart complaints seriously because they see the symptoms as menopausal symptoms. These can be complaints such as:abnormal tiredness, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea and poor sleep † Alertness is required because the risk of cardiovascular disease is 36 percent greater just after the menopause then before. Yet only 40 percent of the Dutch know this, according to research by TNS NIPO commissioned by the Heart Foundation.

Cause of death number 1
Shocking:one in three women dies from a heart attack or stroke † Cardiovascular diseases are therefore the number one cause of death in women † After the menopause, women are more likely to have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Watching your eating pattern and getting enough exercise therefore becomes even more important after the menopause † In addition, make sure that you always remain attentive, as menopausal symptoms such as fatigue, sweating, shortness of breath and poor sleep are very similar to heart problems.

More research for women
Remarkably, although more women (57 per day) than men (51 per day) die from cardiovascular disease, the focus of scientific research so far has been mainly on male patients lies.

The average percentage of studies in which women have participated since 2006 is therefore low, only 30 percent. The knowledge that comes from research with men cannot be applied one-to-one to women. To be able to offer women the same care as men Therefore, more research is needed into the differences between men and women in the field of cardiovascular disease. With the campaign 'We need your heart' The Heart Foundation therefore advocates more attention and more scientific research into cardiovascular disease in women.

On Tuesday May 10 two cardiologists answer questions about cardiovascular disease on the Facebook page We Need Your Heart. Between 11:00 and 15:00 you can ask all your questions to Dr. Yolande Appelman and Dr. Jane Wittekoek.

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